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Bug#905090: wine-development: Causing SEGV when using Qt.

just tried to reproduce the issue and was able to in a buster i386 VM.

Unfortunately winedbg does not take advantage of the automatic dbgsym pages.

Therefore running from a local package build directory gives this stack:

=>0 0x7ea989c5 USER_SetWindowPos+0x25() [./dlls/user32/winpos.c:2220] in user32 (0x0060dac8)
  1 0x7ea5cd7f handle_internal_message+0x1de(hwnd=0x10070, msg=<is not available>, wparam=0xc00) [./dlls/user32/message.c:1861] in user32 (0x0060db18)
  2 0x7ea61998 peek_message+0x1987(msg=<is not available>, hwnd=(nil), first=<is not available>, last=<is not available>, flags=0x1, changed_mask=<is not available>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:2920] in user32 (0x0060de38)
  3 0x7ea66cef PeekMessageW+0x79(msg_out=<couldn't compute location>, hwnd=<couldn't compute location>, first=<couldn't compute location>, last=<couldn't compute location>, flags=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:3768] in user32 (0x0060dea8)
  4 0x66b887bf in qt5core (+0x2487be) (0x0060fbb8)
  5 0x025a9347 in qwindows (+0x79346) (0x0060fbf8)
  6 0x66b27980 in qt5core (+0x1e797f) (0x0060fca8)
  7 0x66b31bd9 in qt5core (+0x1f1bd8) (0x0060fd28)
  8 0x0040189b in digitalclock (+0x189a) (0x0011c2d8)

Starting with some more verbosity leads to some PostMessageW call that puts
this message in some message queue:

$ WINEDEBUG=+win,+msg wine digitalclock.exe    ...
003c:trace:msg:PostMessageW hwnd 0x2007e msg 80000001 (WM_WINE_SETWINDOWPOS) wp c00 lp 0
003c:trace:msg:peek_message got type 6 msg 80000001 (WM_WINE_SETWINDOWPOS) hwnd 0x2007e wp c00 lp 0
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000018 at address 0x7ea989c5 (thread 003c), starting debugger...

Another run in winedbg gives following stack where the message is entered into
the message queue:

$ wine winedbg digitalclock.exe
Wine-dbg>b PostMessageW
=>0 0x7ea65cb0 PostMessageW(hwnd=0x40088, msg=0x80000001, wparam=0xc00, lparam=0) [./dlls/user32/message.c:3643] in user32 (0x0060f568)
  1 0x7db6427e TABLET_PostTabletMessage+0x4d() in wintab32 (0x0060f598)
  2 0x7db64e23 WTOpenW+0x4f2(hWnd=<couldn't compute location>, lpLogCtx=<couldn't compute location>, fEnable=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/wintab32/context.c:487] in wintab32 (0x0060f758)
  3 0x02596789 in qwindows (+0x66788) (0x00040088)

See below for the relevant source.
I think following might happen:

- Qt executes following to get a copy of the default context.
  WTInfoW -> WTInfoT -> LoadTablet -> LoadTabletInfo==X11DRV_LoadTabletInfo.

  In X11DRV_LoadTabletInfo the default context gets WT_DEFBASE(0x7FF0)
  assigned to member lcMsgBase in line 522.

  Some lines later is decided whether the device is usable
  by wintab32.dll and if yes add_system_cursor is called that
  increments gNumCursors.

  In every case X11DRV_LoadTabletInfo returns TRUE here.

  Therefore we continue here:
  WTInfoW -> WTInfoT -> pWTInfoW==X11DRV_WTInfoW
  As gNumCursors is 0 we do in line 1134 "if (0 == gNumCursors)" copy
  nothing and return 0 bytes copied.

  Unfortunately Qt does not check the return value of the WTInfoT call.

- Qt continues now to call wTOpen==WTOpenW assuming that we received a copy
  of the default context which we have not.

  Near the end WTOpenW wants to post a message:

  Unfortunately lcMsgBase was not properly initialized and contains some "random" data.
  In our case it is quite reproducible as the resulting message is always

- Later USER_SetWindowPos expects the parameter lparam to contain
  a pointer to a WINDOWPOS struct.
  But the lparam is filled also from the context's lcStatus and contains also
  some "random" data and the process crashes.

I assume this worked before just because this resulting "random" window message
was just not used and therefore ignored.

I tried 3.12-2 from snapshot.debian.org and that did not crash.

When trying to run with e.g. WINEDEBUG=+win,+msg,+wintab32 the crash does also not happen.

Attached are some more information on my debugging and a patch that would
return FALSE from X11DRV_LoadTabletInfo in case no usable device was found.

Kind regards,

In Qt we might be in that location:

230 QWindowsTabletSupport *QWindowsTabletSupport::create()
231 {
232     if (!m_winTab32DLL.init())
233         return 0;
234     const HWND window = QWindowsContext::instance()->createDummyWindow(QStringLiteral("TabletDummyWindow"),
235                                                                        L"TabletDummyWindow",
236                                                                        qWindowsTabletSupportWndProc);
237     if (!window) {
238         qCWarning(lcQpaTablet) << __FUNCTION__ << "Unable to create window for tablet.";
239         return 0;
240     }
241     LOGCONTEXT lcMine;
242     // build our context from the default context
243     QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &lcMine);                       <-- return value is not checked ...
244     qCDebug(lcQpaTablet) << "Default: " << lcMine;
245     // Go for the raw coordinates, the tablet event will return good stuff
246     lcMine.lcOptions |= CXO_MESSAGES | CXO_CSRMESSAGES;
247     lcMine.lcPktData = lcMine.lcMoveMask = PACKETDATA;
248     lcMine.lcPktMode = PacketMode;
249     lcMine.lcOutOrgX = 0;
250     lcMine.lcOutExtX = lcMine.lcInExtX;
251     lcMine.lcOutOrgY = 0;
252     lcMine.lcOutExtY = -lcMine.lcInExtY;
253     qCDebug(lcQpaTablet) << "Requesting: " << lcMine;
254     const HCTX context = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTOpen(window, &lcMine, true);     <-- ... and still context is used here.
255     if (!context) {

Description: Avoid crash by returning false from LoadTabletInfo if no usable device is found.

Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/905090
Forwarded: no
Last-Update: 2018-08-11

--- wine-development-3.13.orig/dlls/winex11.drv/wintab.c
+++ wine-development-3.13/dlls/winex11.drv/wintab.c
@@ -769,6 +769,12 @@ BOOL CDECL X11DRV_LoadTabletInfo(HWND hw
         WARN("Did not find a valid stylus, unable to determine system context parameters. Wintab is disabled.\n");
+    if (0 == gNumCursors)
+    {
+        WARN("No usable touch screen device found.\n");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
     return TRUE;

apt update
apt install xserver-xorg lightdm openbox pulseaudio xterm psmisc htop mc tmux dpkg-dev devscripts quilt strace gdb valgrind systemd-coredump
apt install libz-mingw-w64
apt install wine-development wine32-development-dbgsym libwine-development-dbgsym

wget http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20170829T174458Z/pool/main/u/unicode-data/unicode-data_10.0.0-3_all.deb
dpkg -i unicode-data_10.0.0-3_all.deb
apt build-dep wine-development
(mkdir wine/orig; cd wine/orig; apt source wine32-development-dbgsym)

export DISPLAY=:0
wine winecfg
wget http://www.dependencywalker.com/depends22_x86.zip
wget https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/downloads/69866/Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686.tar.xz/ -O Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686.tar.xz

cd .wine/drive_c/
cp /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/zlib1.dll . -a
unzip ../../depends22_x86.zip -d depends22_x86
tar -axf /home/benutzer/Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686.tar.xz

mkdir test
cd test

cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.11.1/mingw_82x/examples/widgets/widgets/digitalclock/digitalclock.exe .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/gcc-8.2/i686-w64-mingw32/8.2-win32/libstdc++-6.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/gcc-8.2/i686-w64-mingw32/8.2-win32/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.11.1/mingw_82x/bin/Qt5Core.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.11.1/mingw_82x/bin/Qt5Gui.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.11.1/mingw_82x/bin/Qt5Widgets.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/icu/lib/icuin57.dll . 
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/icu/lib/icuuc57.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/icu/lib/icudt57.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/pcre2-10.30/bin/libpcre2-16-0.dll .
cp -a /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/zlib1.dll .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.11.1/mingw_82x/plugins/platforms .
cp -a ../Qt-5.11.1.Win32.homebrew.MinGW-w64.gcc8.2.i686/usr.local/i586-mingw-msvc/5.11.1/mingw_82x/plugins/styles .

# wine c:\\depends22_x86\\depends.exe digitalclock.exe
# wine digitalclock.exe
winedbg digitalclock.exe

#    Wine-dbg>info proc
#    pid      threads  executable (all id:s are in hex)
#    ...
#    00000008 2        'digitalclock.exe'
#winedbg --gdb 8
## attach with --gdb does not work

gdb -q --pid $(pgrep digitalclock)

wine --version
wine-3.11 (Debian 3.11-1)

Sources changed to unstable:
    deb unstable main
    deb-src unstable main

    deb unstable-debug main

apt install wine-development wine32-development-dbgsym libwine-development-dbgsym

wine --version
wine-3.13 (Debian 3.13-3)


$ wine digitalclock.exe
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000018 at address 0x7fa789c5 (thread 0009), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000018 in 32-bit code (0x7fa789c5).
Register dump:
 CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033
 EIP:7fa789c5 ESP:0060d9c0 EBP:0060dac8 EFLAGS:00010246(  R- --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:7fabcf40 ECX:00000000 EDX:0001004c
 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000c00
Stack dump:
0x0060d9c0:  00000005 0060dc14 00000040 b7d64237
0x0060d9d0:  00000000 00000000 b7bff439 3fff8000
0x0060d9e0:  7bce3cbc 0060dc14 7bc8019f 7bce3cbc
0x0060d9f0:  0060dc14 0060da7c 0060da58 7bc814f3
0x0060da00:  00000000 694c0000 0078756e 00000000
0x0060da10:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
=>0 0x7fa789c5 in user32 (+0x989c5) (0x0060dac8)
  1 0x7fa3cd7f in user32 (+0x5cd7e) (0x0060db18)
  2 0x7fa41998 in user32 (+0x61997) (0x0060de38)
  3 0x7fa46cef in user32 (+0x66cee) (0x0060dea8)
  4 0x66b887bf in qt5core (+0x2487be) (0x0060fbb8)
  5 0x025a9347 in qwindows (+0x79346) (0x0060fbf8)
  6 0x66b27980 in qt5core (+0x1e797f) (0x0060fca8)
  7 0x66b31bd9 in qt5core (+0x1f1bd8) (0x0060fd28)
  8 0x0040189b in digitalclock (+0x189a) (0x0011c508)
  9 0x0011c508 (0x0011c508)
  10 0x0011c508 (0x0011c508)
  200 0x0011c508 (0x0011c508)
0x7fa789c5: movl        0x18(%esi),%eax
Module  Address                 Debug info      Name (37 modules)
PE        400000-  40b000       Export          digitalclock
PE        610000- 1ea6000       Deferred        icudt57
PE       1eb0000- 241d000       Deferred        qt5gui
PE       2530000- 26c9000       Export          qwindows
PE      63080000-630a3000       Deferred        zlib1
PE      66400000-66925000       Deferred        qt5widgets
PE      66940000-66e2a000       Export          qt5core
PE      67c80000-67d0d000       Deferred        libpcre2-16-0
PE      6d0c0000-6d1e8000       Deferred        libgcc_s_sjlj-1
PE      6de40000-6e0c2000       Deferred        icuin57
PE      6fe40000-70b17000       Deferred        libstdc++-6
PE      70ec0000-70ef3000       Deferred        qwindowsvistastyle
PE      71480000-7161d000       Deferred        icuuc57
PE      7b420000-7b5c6000       Deferred        kernel32
PE      7bc10000-7bc14000       Deferred        ntdll
PE      7eae0000-7eae3000       Deferred        wintab32
PE      7ed60000-7ed64000       Deferred        winex11
PE      7ee00000-7ee08000       Deferred        oleaut32
PE      7ef20000-7ef24000       Deferred        imm32
PE      7f130000-7f134000       Deferred        uxtheme
PE      7f170000-7f174000       Deferred        dwmapi
PE      7f180000-7f189000       Deferred        msacm32
PE      7f1b0000-7f228000       Deferred        winmm
PE      7f270000-7f273000       Deferred        userenv
PE      7f290000-7f298000       Deferred        shlwapi
PE      7f310000-7f4d9000       Deferred        shell32
PE      7f5d0000-7f5f8000       Deferred        ole32
PE      7f720000-7f724000       Deferred        ws2_32
PE      7f780000-7f784000       Deferred        iphlpapi
PE      7f7b0000-7f7b4000       Deferred        rpcrt4
PE      7f830000-7f833000       Deferred        netapi32
PE      7f860000-7f86a000       Deferred        mpr
PE      7f880000-7f884000       Deferred        version
PE      7f8b0000-7f8b7000       Deferred        gdi32
PE      7f9e0000-7fac7000       Export          user32
PE      7fbf0000-7fbf4000       Deferred        msvcrt
PE      7fca0000-7fca4000       Deferred        advapi32
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 (D) C:\test\digitalclock.exe
        0000002e    0
        00000009    0 <==
0000000e services.exe
        00000026    0
        00000020    0
        0000001a    0
        00000017    0
        00000016    0
        00000015    0
        00000010    0
        0000000f    0
00000011 winedevice.exe
        0000001d    0
        0000001c    0
        0000001b    0
        00000019    0
        00000018    0
        00000012    0
00000013 explorer.exe
        00000029    0
        00000027    0
        00000025    0
        00000014    0
0000001e plugplay.exe
        00000022    0
        00000021    0
        0000001f    0
00000023 winedevice.exe
        0000002d    0
        0000002c    0
        0000002b    0
        0000002a    0
        00000028    0
        00000024    0
System information:
    Wine build: wine-3.13 (Debian 3.13-3)
    Platform: i386
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 4.17.0-1-686-pae


set height 0
set width 0
set pagination 0
directory /home/benutzer/wine/orig/wine-development-3.13/dlls/user32

$ gdb -q --pid $(pgrep digitalclock)
Attaching to process 4616
[New LWP 4656]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
0xb7f13d39 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
(gdb) set height 0
(gdb) set width 0
(gdb) set pagination 0
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7f13d39 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb7d38347 in __libc_read (fd=7, buf=0x3fffb0fc, nbytes=16) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/read.c:27
#2  0x7bc80277 in wait_select_reply (cookie=0x3fffb168) at ../../include/winnt.h:2463
#3  0x7bc81883 in server_select (select_op=0x0, size=0, flags=2, timeout=0x3fffb298) at server.c:618
#4  0x7bc460a3 in wait_suspend (context=0x3fffb990) at exception.c:127
#5  0x7bc8326f in usr1_handler (signal=10, siginfo=0x3fffbc8c, sigcontext=0x3fffbd0c) at signal_i386.c:2214
#6  <signal handler called>
#7  0xb7f13d37 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#8  0xb7d38347 in __libc_read (fd=7, buf=0x60cdcc, nbytes=16) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/read.c:27
#9  0x7bc80277 in wait_select_reply (cookie=0x60ce38) at ../../include/winnt.h:2463
#10 0x7bc81883 in server_select (select_op=0x60cf48, size=12, flags=2, timeout=0x0) at server.c:618
#11 0x7bc88a65 in wait_objects (count=<optimized out>, handles=<optimized out>, wait_any=<optimized out>, alertable=0 '\000', timeout=0x0) at sync.c:1031
#12 0x7bc8af7f in NtWaitForMultipleObjects (count=2, handles=0x60d0ec, wait_any=1 '\001', alertable=0 '\000', timeout=0x0) at sync.c:1042
#13 0x7b47755a in WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (count=2, handles=0x60d374, wait_all=0, timeout=4294967295, alertable=0) at sync.c:121
#14 0x7b4776e3 in WaitForMultipleObjectsEx (count=2, handles=0x60d374, wait_all=0, timeout=4294967295, alertable=0) at sync.c:213
#15 0x7b4777d3 in WaitForMultipleObjects (count=2, handles=0x60d374, wait_all=0, timeout=4294967295) at sync.c:180
#16 0x7b43e81b in start_debugger (epointers=0x60d524, hEvent=0xb0) at except.c:319
#17 0x7b43ed35 in UnhandledExceptionFilter (epointers=<optimized out>) at except.c:362
#18 0x7b489cc6 in __wine_exception_handler (record=0x60d968, frame=0x60ff08, context=0x60d69c, pdispatcher=0x60d5e8) at exception.c:90
#19 0x7bc82ce9 in call_exception_handler () from /usr/lib/wine-development/../i386-linux-gnu/wine-development/ntdll.dll.so
#20 0x7bc82cbb in EXC_CallHandler () from /usr/lib/wine-development/../i386-linux-gnu/wine-development/ntdll.dll.so
#21 0x7bc855b3 in NtRaiseException (rec=<optimized out>, context=<optimized out>, first_chance=<optimized out>) at signal_i386.c:640
#22 0x7bc85a06 in raise_segv_exception (rec=<optimized out>, context=<optimized out>) at signal_i386.c:1936
#23 0xdeadbabe in ?? ()
#24 0x0060d968 in ?? ()
#25 0x7fa3cd7f in handle_internal_message (hwnd=0x0, msg=<optimized out>, wparam=3072, lparam=0) at message.c:1861
#26 0x7fa41998 in peek_message (msg=<optimized out>, hwnd=0x0, first=<optimized out>, last=<optimized out>, flags=1, changed_mask=<optimized out>) at message.c:2920
#27 0x7fa46cef in PeekMessageW (msg_out=<optimized out>, hwnd=<optimized out>, first=<optimized out>, last=<optimized out>, flags=<optimized out>) at message.c:3768
#28 0x66b887bf in ?? ()
#29 0x025a9347 in ?? ()
#30 0x66b27980 in ?? ()
#31 0x66b31bd9 in ?? ()
#32 0x0040189b in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
(gdb) disassemble handle_internal_message
Dump of assembler code for function handle_internal_message:
   0x7fa3cba0 <+0>:     push   %ebp
   0x7fa3cd5d <+445>:   call   0x7f9e9150 <wine_dbg_log@plt>
   0x7fa3cd62 <+450>:   add    $0x20,%esp
   0x7fa3cd65 <+453>:   xor    %eax,%eax
   0x7fa3cd67 <+455>:   jmp    0x7fa3cbf8 <handle_internal_message+88>
   0x7fa3cd6c <+460>:   lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
   0x7fa3cd70 <+464>:   sub    $0x4,%esp
   0x7fa3cd73 <+467>:   push   $0x0
   0x7fa3cd75 <+469>:   push   $0x0
   0x7fa3cd77 <+471>:   pushl  0x8(%ebp)
   0x7fa3cd7a <+474>:   call   0x7fa789a0 <USER_SetWindowPos>                         <- Frame #1 called here.
   0x7fa3cd7f <+479>:   add    $0x10,%esp
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) disassemble USER_SetWindowPos
Dump of assembler code for function USER_SetWindowPos:
   0x7fa789a0 <+0>:     push   %ebp
   0x7fa789a1 <+1>:     mov    %esp,%ebp
   0x7fa789a3 <+3>:     push   %edi
   0x7fa789a4 <+4>:     push   %esi
   0x7fa789a5 <+5>:     push   %ebx
   0x7fa789a6 <+6>:     call   0x7f9e92e0 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx>
   0x7fa789ab <+11>:    add    $0x44595,%ebx
   0x7fa789b1 <+17>:    sub    $0xfc,%esp
   0x7fa789b7 <+23>:    mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi
   0x7fa789ba <+26>:    mov    %gs:0x14,%eax
   0x7fa789c0 <+32>:    mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)
   0x7fa789c3 <+35>:    xor    %eax,%eax
   0x7fa789c5 <+37>:    mov    0x18(%esi),%eax                                      <- This instruction is failing.
   0x7fa789c8 <+40>:    mov    (%esi),%edx
   0x7fa789ca <+42>:    mov    %eax,-0xdc(%ebp)
   0x7fa789d0 <+48>:    test   $0x4,%al
   0x7fa789d2 <+50>:    jne    0x7fa78a40 <USER_SetWindowPos+160>
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) disassemble /m 0x7fa789a0,0x7fa789d2
Dump of assembler code from 0x7fa789a0 to 0x7fa789d2:
2216    {
   0x7fa789a0 <USER_SetWindowPos+0>:    push   %ebp
   0x7fa789a1 <USER_SetWindowPos+1>:    mov    %esp,%ebp
   0x7fa789a3 <USER_SetWindowPos+3>:    push   %edi
   0x7fa789a4 <USER_SetWindowPos+4>:    push   %esi
   0x7fa789a5 <USER_SetWindowPos+5>:    push   %ebx
   0x7fa789a6 <USER_SetWindowPos+6>:    call   0x7f9e92e0 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx>
   0x7fa789ab <USER_SetWindowPos+11>:   add    $0x44595,%ebx
   0x7fa789b1 <USER_SetWindowPos+17>:   sub    $0xfc,%esp
   0x7fa789b7 <USER_SetWindowPos+23>:   mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi
   0x7fa789ba <USER_SetWindowPos+26>:   mov    %gs:0x14,%eax
   0x7fa789c0 <USER_SetWindowPos+32>:   mov    %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)
   0x7fa789c3 <USER_SetWindowPos+35>:   xor    %eax,%eax

2217        RECT old_window_rect, old_client_rect, new_window_rect, new_client_rect, valid_rects[2];

2218        UINT orig_flags;

2220        orig_flags = winpos->flags;
   0x7fa789c5 <USER_SetWindowPos+37>:   mov    0x18(%esi),%eax
   0x7fa789c8 <USER_SetWindowPos+40>:   mov    (%esi),%edx
   0x7fa789ca <USER_SetWindowPos+42>:   mov    %eax,-0xdc(%ebp)

2222        /* First, check z-order arguments.  */
2223        if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER))
   0x7fa789d0 <USER_SetWindowPos+48>:   test   $0x4,%al
   0x7fa789d2 <USER_SetWindowPos+50>:   jne    0x7fa78a40 <USER_SetWindowPos+160>

End of assembler dump.

(gdb) list winpos.c:2215,+50
2215    BOOL USER_SetWindowPos( WINDOWPOS * winpos, int parent_x, int parent_y )
2216    {
2217        RECT old_window_rect, old_client_rect, new_window_rect, new_client_rect, valid_rects[2];
2218        UINT orig_flags;
2220        orig_flags = winpos->flags;
2222        /* First, check z-order arguments.  */
2223        if (!(winpos->flags & SWP_NOZORDER))
2224        {
2225            /* fix sign extension */

(gdb) up
#1  0xb7d38347 in __libc_read (fd=7, buf=0x3fffb0fc, nbytes=16) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/read.c:27
(gdb) up
#25 0x7fa3cd7f in handle_internal_message (hwnd=0x0, msg=<optimized out>, wparam=3072, lparam=0) at message.c:1861
1861            return USER_SetWindowPos( (WINDOWPOS *)lparam, 0, 0 );
(gdb) print hwnd
$1 = (HWND) 0x0


dpkg --purge libwine-development:i386 libwine-development-dbgsym:i386 wine-development wine32-development wine32-development-dbgsym

apt install wine-development wine32-development-dbgsym libwine-development-dbgsym

Back to 3.11-1 -> no crash, window shown normally


dpkg --purge libwine-development:i386 libwine-development-dbgsym:i386 wine-development wine32-development wine32-development-dbgsym

wget http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20180712T103326Z/pool/main/w/wine-development/wine32-development_3.12-2_i386.deb
wget http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20180712T103326Z/pool/main/w/wine-development/libwine-development_3.12-2_i386.deb
wget http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20180712T103326Z/pool/main/w/wine-development/wine-development_3.12-2_all.deb

dpkg -i wine-development_3.12-2_all.deb wine32-development_3.12-2_i386.deb libwine-development_3.12-2_i386.deb

3.12-2 is also working ... time for git bisect ...


not reproducible on amd64 desktop with self built 32bit wine 3.13 ...


mkdir wine/orig -p
cd    wine/orig
apt source wine-development

directory /home/benutzer/wine/orig/wine-development-3.13/dlls/user32


export DISPLAY=:0
export WINEPREFIX=/home/benutzer/wineprefix-3.13-3
wine wineboot
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/
cp -a /home/benutzer/test .
cd test
wine notepad &
WINEDEBUG=+win wine digitalclock.exe 2>&1 | tee -a ~/trace_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).log

(gdb) list 1853,1862
1853    static LRESULT handle_internal_message( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam )
1854    {
1855        switch(msg)
1856        {
1859        case WM_WINE_SETWINDOWPOS:
1860            if (is_desktop_window( hwnd )) return 0;
1861            return USER_SetWindowPos( (WINDOWPOS *)lparam, 0, 0 );

002f:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"digitalclock" L"Qt5QWindowIcon" ex=00000000 style=86cf0000 433,331 158x87 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=0x400000 params=(nil)
002f:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
002f:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (0,0)-(0,0)
002f:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (0,0)-(0,0)
002f:trace:win:WINPOS_GetMinMaxInfo 1032 776 / -4 -4 / 1036 780 / 112 27
002f:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((0,0)-(0,0))
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002f:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> (nil)
002f:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx hwnd 0x1007c cs 433,331 158x87
002f:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx register IME window for 0x1007c
002f:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002f:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> (nil)
002f:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0x1007c
002f:trace:win:SetWindowPos hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), 0,0 (0x0), flags 00001837
002f:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), swp 0,0 0x0 flags 00001837
002f:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging current (433,331)-(591,418) style 86cf0000 new (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:GetWindowPlacement 0x1007c: returning min -1,-1 max -1,-1 normal (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:SWP_DoNCCalcSize hwnd 0x1007c old win (433,331)-(591,418) old client (437,354)-(587,414) new win (433,331)-(591,418) new client (437,354)-(587,414)
002f:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002f:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> (nil)
002f:trace:win:USER_SetWindowPos        status flags = 1827
002f:trace:win:show_window hwnd=0x1007c, cmd=1, wasVisible 0
002f:trace:win:SetWindowPos hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), 0,0 (0x0), flags 00000043
002f:trace:win:dump_winpos_flags flags: SWP_NOSIZE SWP_NOMOVE SWP_SHOWWINDOW
002f:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), swp 0,0 0x0 flags 00001843
002f:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging current (433,331)-(591,418) style 86cf0000 new (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:SWP_DoOwnedPopups (0x1007c) hInsertAfter = (nil)
002f:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002f:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002f:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> 0x12e898
002f:trace:win:SetForegroundWindow 0x1007c
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0x12004a, flags 00010041
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0x12004a,0x10053): returning 0x6004f (updated)
002f:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x6004f
002f:trace:win:SetFocus 0x1007c prev (nil)
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0x14004a, flags 00010041
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x6004f hwnd 0x1007c, flags 00000013
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0x14004a,0x10053): returning 0x6004f (updated)
002f:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x6004f
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0x70054, flags 00010080
002f:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0x70054,0x10098): returning 0x15004a (updated)
002f:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x15004a
002f:trace:win:USER_SetWindowPos        status flags = 1847
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000018 at address 0x7fa789c5 (thread 002f), starting debugger...


dpkg --purge libwine-development:i386 libwine-development-dbgsym:i386 wine-development wine32-development wine32-development-dbgsym
dpkg -i libwine-development_3.12-2_i386.deb wine32-development_3.12-2_i386.deb wine-development_3.12-2_all.deb

export WINEPREFIX=/home/benutzer/wineprefix-3.12-2
wine wineboot
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/
cp -a /home/benutzer/test .
cd test
wine notepad &
WINEDEBUG=+win wine digitalclock.exe 2>&1 | tee -a ~/trace_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).log

002e:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"digitalclock" L"Qt5QWindowIcon" ex=00000000 style=86cf0000 433,331 158x87 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=0x400000 params=(nil)
002e:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (0,0)-(0,0)
002e:trace:win:MonitorFromWindow (0x1007c, 0x00000001)
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (0,0)-(0,0)
002e:trace:win:GetMonitorInfoW flags 0001, monitor (0,0)-(1024,768), work (0,0)-(1024,768)
002e:trace:win:MonitorFromRect (0,0)-(0,0) flags 1 returning 0x1
002e:trace:win:GetMonitorInfoW flags 0001, monitor (0,0)-(1024,768), work (0,0)-(1024,768)
002e:trace:win:WINPOS_GetMinMaxInfo 1032 776 / -4 -4 / 1036 780 / 112 27
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((0,0)-(0,0))
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002e:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> (nil)
002e:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx hwnd 0x1007c cs 433,331 158x87
002e:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx register IME window for 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002e:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> (nil)
002e:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:SetWindowPos hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), 0,0 (0x0), flags 00001837
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), swp 0,0 0x0 flags 00001837
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging current (433,331)-(591,418) style 86cf0000 new (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:GetWindowPlacement 0x1007c: returning min -1,-1 max -1,-1 normal (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoNCCalcSize hwnd 0x1007c old win (433,331)-(591,418) old client (437,354)-(587,414) new win (433,331)-(591,418) new client (437,354)-(587,414)
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002e:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> (nil)
002e:trace:win:USER_SetWindowPos        status flags = 1827
002e:trace:win:show_window hwnd=0x1007c, cmd=1, wasVisible 0
002e:trace:win:SetWindowPos hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), 0,0 (0x0), flags 00000043
002e:trace:win:dump_winpos_flags flags: SWP_NOSIZE SWP_NOMOVE SWP_SHOWWINDOW
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), swp 0,0 0x0 flags 00001843
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging current (433,331)-(591,418) style 86cf0000 new (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoOwnedPopups (0x1007c) hInsertAfter = (nil)
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002e:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface (nil) -> 0x12e898
002e:trace:win:SetForegroundWindow 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0x12004a, flags 00010041
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0x12004a,0x10053): returning 0x6004f (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x6004f
002e:trace:win:SetFocus 0x1007c prev (nil)
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0x14004a, flags 00010041
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x6004f hwnd 0x1007c, flags 00000013
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0x14004a,0x10053): returning 0x6004f (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x6004f
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0x70054, flags 00010080
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0x70054,0x10098): returning 0x15004a (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x15004a
002e:trace:win:USER_SetWindowPos        status flags = 1847
002e:trace:win:alloc_winproc allocated 0xffff0015 for W 0x7edf0430 (22/4096 used)
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x15004a hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x15004a (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x15004a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip 0xb0054, flags 00010080
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x15004a hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,0xb0054,0x10098): returning 0x15004a (updated)
002e:trace:win:BeginPaint hdc = 0x15004a box = ((0,0)-(150,60)), fErase = 1
002e:fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x60dad0
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x10020, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00000003
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x3c0041 hwnd 0x10020, flags 00000013
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x10020,(nil),0x13): returning 0x3c0041 (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc (nil) 0x3c0041
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x10020, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00000003
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x3c0041 hwnd 0x10020, flags 00000013
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x10020,(nil),0x13): returning 0x3c0041 (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc (nil) 0x3c0041
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b (updated)
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x15004a
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:SetForegroundWindow 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x1007c, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00010000
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx found valid 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c, flags 0000001a
002e:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x1007c,(nil),0x10018): returning 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:release_dc 0x1007c 0x1005b
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:SetForegroundWindow 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:show_window hwnd=0x1007c, cmd=0, wasVisible 1
002e:trace:win:SetWindowPos hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), 0,0 (0x0), flags 00000083
002e:trace:win:dump_winpos_flags flags: SWP_NOSIZE SWP_NOMOVE SWP_HIDEWINDOW
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging hwnd 0x1007c, after (nil), swp 0,0 0x0 flags 00001883
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoWinPosChanging current (433,331)-(591,418) style 96cf0000 new (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:SWP_DoOwnedPopups (0x1007c) hInsertAfter = (nil)
002e:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1007c (433,331)-(591,418)
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1007c parent 0x10020 (433,331)-(591,418) ((433,331)-(591,418))
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1005b: hwnd 0x1007c dcx 0000001a Cache 
002e:trace:win:make_dc_dirty purged 0x1005b hwnd 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x15004a: hwnd 0x1007c dcx 0000001a Cache 
002e:trace:win:make_dc_dirty purged 0x15004a hwnd 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x6004f: hwnd 0x1007c dcx 00000013 Cache 
002e:trace:win:make_dc_dirty purged 0x6004f hwnd 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x3c0041: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache 
002e:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
002e:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x1007c surface 0x12e898 -> 0x7fbae2a0
002e:trace:win:USER_SetWindowPos        status flags = 1887
002e:trace:win:WINPOS_ShowIconTitle 0x1007c 0
002e:trace:win:WINPOS_ActivateOtherWindow win = 0x1004c fg = 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:SetForegroundWindow 0x1004c
002e:trace:win:DestroyWindow (0x1007c)
002e:trace:win:WIN_DestroyWindow 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:WIN_DestroyWindow unregister IME window for 0x1007c
002e:trace:win:DestroyWindow (0x10072)
002e:trace:win:WIN_DestroyWindow 0x10072
002e:trace:win:DestroyWindow (0x10074)
002e:trace:win:WIN_DestroyWindow 0x10074
002e:trace:win:DestroyWindow (0x10070)
002e:trace:win:WIN_DestroyWindow 0x10070
002e:trace:win:DestroyWindow (0x10066)
002e:trace:win:WIN_DestroyWindow 0x10066



apt build-dep wine-development
git describe --always --tag
# wine-3.13
./configure --with-gnutls          --without-hal          --without-netapi          --disable-tests
make -j8

export WINEPREFIX=/home/benutzer/wine-git-prefix-3.13
export PATH=/home/benutzer/wine-git-3.13:$OLDPATH
wine --version
# wine-3.13

wine wineboot
cd $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/
cp -a /home/benutzer/test .
cd test
wine notepad &
WINEDEBUG=+win wine digitalclock.exe 2>&1 | tee -a ~/trace_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).log

no crash ...


dpkg-buildpackage -b
dpkg -i libwine-development_3.13-3_i386.deb wine32-development_3.13-3_i386.deb wine-development_3.13-3_all.deb
wine --version
# wine-3.13 (Debian 3.13-3)
export WINEPREFIX=/home/benutzer/wineprefix-3.13-selfbuilt
wine wineboot

is crashing...


dpkg --purge libwine-development:i386 libwine-development-dbgsym:i386 wine-development wine32-development wine32-development-dbgsym

export WINEPREFIX=/home/benutzer/wineprefix-3.13-selfbuilt
export PATH=/home/benutzer/wine/try1/wine-development-3.13:$OLDPATH

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000018 in 32-bit code (0x7ea98b25).
Register dump:
 CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
 EIP:7ea98b25 ESP:0060d9c0 EBP:0060dac8 EFLAGS:00010246(  R- --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:7eadcf40 ECX:00000001 EDX:0002007e
 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000c00
Stack dump:
0x0060d9c0:  00000005 0060dc14 00000040 b7df9237
0x0060d9d0:  00000000 00000000 00000000 7ffd8000
0x0060d9e0:  7bce5cbc 0060dc14 7bc824ff 7bce5cbc
0x0060d9f0:  0060dc14 0060da7c 0060da58 7bc83853
0x0060da00:  00000000 694c0000 0078756e 00000000
0x0060da10:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
=>0 0x7ea98b25 USER_SetWindowPos+0x25() [./dlls/user32/winpos.c:2220] in user32 (0x0060dac8)
  1 0x7ea5cd8f handle_internal_message+0x1ee(hwnd=0x2007e, msg=<is not available>, wparam=0xc00) [./dlls/user32/message.c:1864] in user32 (0x0060db18)
  2 0x7ea619e0 peek_message+0x198f(msg=<is not available>, hwnd=(nil), first=<is not available>, last=<is not available>, flags=0x1, changed_mask=<is not available>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:2923] in user32 (0x0060de38)
  3 0x7ea66dcf PeekMessageW+0x79(msg_out=<couldn't compute location>, hwnd=<couldn't compute location>, first=<couldn't compute location>, last=<couldn't compute location>, flags=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:3771] in user32 (0x0060dea8)
  4 0x66b887bf in qt5core (+0x2487be) (0x0060fbb8)
  5 0x025a9347 in qwindows (+0x79346) (0x0060fbf8)
  6 0x66b27980 in qt5core (+0x1e797f) (0x0060fca8)
  7 0x66b31bd9 in qt5core (+0x1f1bd8) (0x0060fd28)
  8 0x0040189b in digitalclock (+0x189a) (0x0011c330)
  9 0x0011c330 (0x0011c330)
  10 0x0011c330 (0x0011c330)
  200 0x0011c330 (0x0011c330)
0x7ea98b25 USER_SetWindowPos+0x25 [./dlls/user32/winpos.c:2220] in user32: movl 0x18(%esi),%eax
Unable to access file './dlls/user32/winpos.c'
Module  Address                 Debug info      Name (94 modules)
PE        400000-  40b000       Export          digitalclock
PE        610000- 1ea6000       Deferred        icudt57
PE       1eb0000- 241d000       Deferred        qt5gui
PE       2530000- 26c9000       Export          qwindows
PE      63080000-630a3000       Deferred        zlib1
PE      66400000-66925000       Deferred        qt5widgets
PE      66940000-66e2a000       Export          qt5core
PE      67c80000-67d0d000       Deferred        libpcre2-16-0
PE      6d0c0000-6d1e8000       Deferred        libgcc_s_sjlj-1
PE      6de40000-6e0c2000       Deferred        icuin57
PE      6fe40000-70b17000       Deferred        libstdc++-6
PE      70ec0000-70ef3000       Deferred        qwindowsvistastyle
PE      71480000-7161d000       Deferred        icuuc57
ELF     7b400000-7b7ef000       Deferred        kernel32<elf>
  \-PE  7b420000-7b7ef000       \               kernel32
ELF     7bc00000-7bd03000       Deferred        ntdll<elf>
  \-PE  7bc10000-7bd03000       \               ntdll
ELF     7c000000-7c005000       Deferred        <wine-loader>
ELF     7dafc000-7db1a000       Deferred        wintab32<elf>
  \-PE  7db00000-7db1a000       \               wintab32
ELF     7db60000-7db67000       Deferred        libxfixes.so.3
ELF     7db67000-7db73000       Deferred        libxcursor.so.1
ELF     7db73000-7db86000       Deferred        libxi.so.6
ELF     7db86000-7db8a000       Deferred        libxcomposite.so.1
ELF     7db8a000-7db97000       Deferred        libxrandr.so.2
ELF     7db97000-7dba3000       Deferred        libxrender.so.1
ELF     7dba3000-7dbaa000       Deferred        libxxf86vm.so.1
ELF     7dbaa000-7dbae000       Deferred        libxinerama.so.1
ELF     7dbae000-7dbb8000       Deferred        librt.so.1
ELF     7dbb8000-7dbd6000       Deferred        libbsd.so.0
ELF     7dbd6000-7dbdd000       Deferred        libxdmcp.so.6
ELF     7dbdd000-7dc0b000       Deferred        libxcb.so.1
ELF     7dc0b000-7dd58000       Deferred        libx11.so.6
ELF     7dd58000-7dd6d000       Deferred        libxext.so.6
ELF     7dd6d000-7de00000       Deferred        winex11<elf>
  \-PE  7dd80000-7de00000       \               winex11
ELF     7de00000-7df32000       Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
  \-PE  7de20000-7df32000       \               oleaut32
ELF     7df32000-7df57000       Deferred        imm32<elf>
  \-PE  7df40000-7df57000       \               imm32
ELF     7df57000-7df61000       Deferred        libuuid.so.1
ELF     7df61000-7df93000       Deferred        libexpat.so.1
ELF     7df93000-7dfdd000       Deferred        libfontconfig.so.1
ELF     7dfdd000-7dffc000       Deferred        libz.so.1
ELF     7dffc000-7e038000       Deferred        libpng16.so.16
ELF     7e038000-7e0f6000       Deferred        libfreetype.so.6
ELF     7e0f6000-7e11e000       Deferred        libtinfo.so.6
ELF     7e11e000-7e14b000       Deferred        libncurses.so.6
ELF     7e14b000-7e186000       Deferred        uxtheme<elf>
  \-PE  7e150000-7e186000       \               uxtheme
ELF     7e186000-7e19e000       Deferred        dwmapi<elf>
  \-PE  7e190000-7e19e000       \               dwmapi
ELF     7e19e000-7e1c9000       Deferred        msacm32<elf>
  \-PE  7e1a0000-7e1c9000       \               msacm32
ELF     7e1c9000-7e284000       Deferred        winmm<elf>
  \-PE  7e1d0000-7e284000       \               winmm
ELF     7e284000-7e29d000       Deferred        userenv<elf>
  \-PE  7e290000-7e29d000       \               userenv
ELF     7e29d000-7e316000       Deferred        shlwapi<elf>
  \-PE  7e2b0000-7e316000       \               shlwapi
ELF     7e316000-7e5d3000       Deferred        shell32<elf>
  \-PE  7e330000-7e5d3000       \               shell32
ELF     7e5d3000-7e730000       Deferred        ole32<elf>
  \-PE  7e5f0000-7e730000       \               ole32
ELF     7e730000-7e76c000       Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE  7e740000-7e76c000       \               ws2_32
ELF     7e76c000-7e785000       Deferred        libresolv.so.2
ELF     7e795000-7e7c1000       Deferred        iphlpapi<elf>
  \-PE  7e7a0000-7e7c1000       \               iphlpapi
ELF     7e7c1000-7e845000       Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
  \-PE  7e7d0000-7e845000       \               rpcrt4
ELF     7e845000-7e875000       Deferred        netapi32<elf>
  \-PE  7e850000-7e875000       \               netapi32
ELF     7e875000-7e89e000       Deferred        mpr<elf>
  \-PE  7e880000-7e89e000       \               mpr
ELF     7e89e000-7e8b9000       Deferred        version<elf>
  \-PE  7e8a0000-7e8b9000       \               version
ELF     7e8b9000-7e9e9000       Deferred        gdi32<elf>
  \-PE  7e8d0000-7e9e9000       \               gdi32
ELF     7e9e9000-7ebf2000       Dwarf           user32<elf>
  \-PE  7ea00000-7ebf2000       \               user32
ELF     7ebf2000-7ecac000       Deferred        msvcrt<elf>
  \-PE  7ec10000-7ecac000       \               msvcrt
ELF     7ecac000-7ed28000       Deferred        advapi32<elf>
  \-PE  7ecc0000-7ed28000       \               advapi32
ELF     7eee9000-7eefd000       Deferred        libnss_files.so.2
ELF     7eefd000-7f000000       Deferred        libm.so.6
ELF     b7c01000-b7c06000       Deferred        libxau.so.6
ELF     b7c08000-b7c0e000       Deferred        libdl.so.2
ELF     b7c0e000-b7de8000       Deferred        libc.so.6
ELF     b7de8000-b7e08000       Deferred        libpthread.so.0
ELF     b7e18000-b7fcf000       Dwarf           libwine.so.1
ELF     b7fd1000-b7ffa000       Deferred        ld-linux.so.2
ELF     b7ffd000-b7ffe000       Deferred        [vdso].so
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 notepad.exe
        00000009    0
0000000e services.exe
        00000025    0
        0000001f    0
        00000015    0
        00000010    0
        0000000f    0
00000011 winedevice.exe
        0000001c    0
        00000019    0
        00000018    0
        00000012    0
00000013 explorer.exe
        0000002b    0
        0000002a    0
        00000024    0
        00000014    0
0000001d plugplay.exe
        00000021    0
        00000020    0
        0000001e    0
00000022 winedevice.exe
        0000002c    0
        00000027    0
        00000026    0
        00000023    0
0000003a (D) C:\test\digitalclock.exe
        0000003c    0
        0000003b    0 <==
System information:
    Wine build: wine-3.13 ()
    Platform: i386
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 4.17.0-1-686-pae

WINEDEBUG=+win wine winedbg digitalclock.exe
dir /home/benutzer/wine/try1/wine-development-3.13
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000018 in 32-bit code (0x7ea98b25).
Register dump:
 CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
 EIP:7ea98b25 ESP:0060d9c0 EBP:0060dac8 EFLAGS:00010246(  R- --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:7eadcf40 ECX:00000002 EDX:0003008a
 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000c00
Stack dump:
0x0060d9c0:  00000004 0060dc14 00000040 b7d06237
0x0060d9d0:  00000000 00000000 00000000 7ffd8000
0x0060d9e0:  7bce5cbc 0060dc14 7bc824ff 7bce5cbc
0x0060d9f0:  0060dc14 0060da7c 0060da58 7bc83853
0x0060da00:  00000000 694c0000 0078756e 00000000
0x0060da10:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
=>0 0x7ea98b25 USER_SetWindowPos+0x25() [./dlls/user32/winpos.c:2220] in user32 (0x0060dac8)
  1 0x7ea5cd8f handle_internal_message+0x1ee(hwnd=0x3008a, msg=<is not available>, wparam=0xc00) [./dlls/user32/message.c:1864] in user32 (0x0060db18)
  2 0x7ea619e0 peek_message+0x198f(msg=<is not available>, hwnd=(nil), first=<is not available>, last=<is not available>, flags=0x1, changed_mask=<is not available>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:2923] in user32 (0x0060de38)
  3 0x7ea66dcf PeekMessageW+0x79(msg_out=<couldn't compute location>, hwnd=<couldn't compute location>, first=<couldn't compute location>, last=<couldn't compute location>, flags=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:3771] in user32 (0x0060dea8)
  4 0x66b887bf in qt5core (+0x2487be) (0x0060fbb8)
  5 0x025a9347 in qwindows (+0x79346) (0x0060fbf8)
  6 0x66b27980 in qt5core (+0x1e797f) (0x0060fca8)
  7 0x66b31bd9 in qt5core (+0x1f1bd8) (0x0060fd28)
  8 0x0040189b in digitalclock (+0x189a) (0x0011aa88)
  9 0x0011aa88 (0x0011aa88)
0x7ea98b25 USER_SetWindowPos+0x25 [./dlls/user32/winpos.c:2220] in user32: movl 0x18(%esi),%eax
2220        orig_flags = winpos->flags;

Wine-dbg>print *winpos
Many symbols with name 'winpos', choose the one you want (<cr> to abort):
[1]: 0x7e9e9000 frame in user32<elf>
[2]: 0x7e9e9000 frame in user32<elf>
=> 1
{hwnd=*** Invalid address 0x464c457f ***
, hwndInsertAfter=*** Invalid address 0x464c4583 ***
, x=*** Invalid address 0x464c4587 ***
, y=*** Invalid address 0x464c458b ***
, cx=*** Invalid address 0x464c458f ***
, cy=*** Invalid address 0x464c4593 ***
, flags=*** Invalid address 0x464c4597 ***

1864            return USER_SetWindowPos( (WINDOWPOS *)lparam, 0, 0 );
Wine-dbg>print lparam
Too many addresses for symbol 'lparam', limiting the first 100
Many symbols with name 'lparam', choose the one you want (<cr> to abort):
[24]: 0x7e9e9000 frame in user32<elf>
=> 24


WINEDEBUG=+win,+msg wine winedbg digitalclock.exe
dir /home/benutzer/wine/try1/wine-development-3.13
b PostMessageW

WINEDEBUG=+win,+msg wine winedbg digitalclock.exe
WineDbg starting on pid 0034
0035:trace:win:User32InitializeImmEntryTable (19650412)
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEService, ret=c001
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEReconvertOptions, ret=c002
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEMouseOperation, ret=c003
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEReconvertRequest, ret=c004
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEReconvert, ret=c005
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEQueryPosition, ret=c006
0035:trace:msg:RegisterWindowMessageA MSIMEDocumentFeed, ret=c007
start_process () at ./dlls/kernel32/process.c:1101
0x7b465771 start_process+0x141 [./dlls/kernel32/process.c:1101] in kernel32: movl       0xffffff24(%ebp),%esi
Unable to access file './dlls/kernel32/process.c'
Wine-dbg>dir /home/benutzer/wine/try1/wine-development-3.13
Wine-dbg>b PostMessageW
0033:fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_const_type Unsupported children
0033:fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_const_type Unsupported children
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7ea65d90 PostMessageW [./dlls/user32/message.c:3646] in user32
0035:fixme:file:FindFirstFileExW flags not implemented 0x00000002
0035:trace:win:alloc_winproc allocated 0xffff000e for W 0x7e6087e0 (15/4096 used)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx (null) L"OleMainThreadWndClass" ex=00000000 style=00000000 0,0 0x0 parent=0xfffffffd menu=(nil) inst=0x7e5f0000 params=(nil)
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles style:
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x2007a (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x2007a (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:WINPOS_GetMinMaxInfo 106 106 / -3 -3 / 1036 780 / 112 27
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x2007a (0,0)-(112,27)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x2007a parent 0x10026 (0,0)-(112,27) ((0,0)-(0,0))
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x2007a surface (nil) -> (nil)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx hwnd 0x2007a cs 0,0 112x27
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x2007a (0,0)-(112,27)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x2007a parent 0x10026 (0,0)-(112,27) ((0,0)-(112,27))
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x2007a surface (nil) -> (nil)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0x2007a
0035:trace:win:alloc_winproc allocated 0xffff000f for W 0x7e634540 (16/4096 used)
0035:trace:win:GetDCEx hwnd 0x10020, hrgnClip (nil), flags 00000003
0035:trace:win:GetDCEx (0x10020,(nil),0x13): returning 0x1c0039 (updated)
0035:trace:win:alloc_winproc allocated 0xffff0010 for W 0x7db6c2f0 (17/4096 used)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"Tablet" L"WineTabletClass" ex=00000000 style=80880000 0,0 0x0 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=0x7db60000 params=(nil)
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles style: WS_POPUP WS_BORDER WS_SYSMENU
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20078 (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x20078 parent 0x10020 (0,0)-(0,0) ((0,0)-(0,0))
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x20078 surface (nil) -> 0x7ebc92a0
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx hwnd 0x20078 cs 0,0 0x0
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"Default IME" L"IME" ex=00000000 style=8c000000 0,0 1x1 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=(nil) params=(nil)
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles style: WS_POPUP WS_DISABLED WS_CLIPSIBLINGS
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20064 (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20064 (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20064 (0,0)-(1,1)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x20064 parent 0x10020 (0,0)-(1,1) ((0,0)-(0,0))
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x20064 surface (nil) -> (nil)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx hwnd 0x20064 cs 0,0 1x1
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20064 (0,0)-(1,1)
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20064 (0,0)-(1,1)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x20064 parent 0x10020 (0,0)-(1,1) ((0,0)-(1,1))
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x20064 surface (nil) -> (nil)
Stopped on breakpoint 1 at 0x7ea65d90 PostMessageW [./dlls/user32/message.c:3646] in user32
PostMessageW () at ./dlls/user32/message.c:3646
3646    {
0035:trace:msg:PostMessageW hwnd 0x10020 msg 210 (WM_PARENTNOTIFY) wp 1 lp 20064
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0x20064
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx register IME window for 0x20078
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20078 (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x20078 parent 0x10020 (0,0)-(0,0) ((0,0)-(0,0))
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x20078 surface 0x7ebc92a0 -> 0x7ebc92a0
Stopped on breakpoint 1 at 0x7ea65d90 PostMessageW [./dlls/user32/message.c:3646] in user32
3646    {
0035:trace:msg:PostMessageW hwnd 0x10020 msg 210 (WM_PARENTNOTIFY) wp 1 lp 20078
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0x20078
0035:trace:win:alloc_winproc allocated 0xffff0011 for W 0x2599870 (18/4096 used)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"TabletDummyWindow" L"TabletDummyWindow" ex=00000000 style=00000000 -2147483648,-2147483648 -2147483648x-2147483648 parent=0xfffffffd menu=(nil) inst=0x400000 params=(nil)
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles style:
0035:trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle:
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x10026 (0,0)-(100,100)
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20062 (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20062 (0,0)-(0,0)
0035:trace:win:WINPOS_GetMinMaxInfo 106 106 / -3 -3 / 1036 780 / 112 27
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20062 (0,0)-(768,576)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x20062 parent 0x10026 (0,0)-(768,576) ((0,0)-(0,0))
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x20062 surface (nil) -> (nil)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx hwnd 0x20062 cs 0,0 768x576
0035:trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x20062 (0,0)-(768,576)
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x20062 parent 0x10026 (0,0)-(768,576) ((0,0)-(768,576))
0035:trace:win:invalidate_dce 0x1c0039: hwnd 0x10020 dcx 00000013 Cache InUse
0035:trace:win:set_window_pos win 0x20062 surface (nil) -> (nil)
0035:trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx created window 0x20062
Stopped on breakpoint 1 at 0x7ea65d90 PostMessageW [./dlls/user32/message.c:3646] in user32
3646    {
3646    {
426         if (message >= 8*sizeof(message_pointer_flags)) return FALSE;
3655        TRACE( "hwnd %p msg %x (%s) wp %lx lp %lx\n",
3655        TRACE( "hwnd %p msg %x (%s) wp %lx lp %lx\n",
3655        TRACE( "hwnd %p msg %x (%s) wp %lx lp %lx\n",
0033:fixme:winedbg:be_i386_is_jump unknown ff
0035:trace:msg:PostMessageW hwnd 0x20062 msg 80000001 (WM_WINE_SETWINDOWPOS) wp c00 lp 0
3661        info.wparam = wparam;
=>0 0x7ea65e06 PostMessageW+0x76(hwnd=<couldn't compute location>, msg=<couldn't compute location>, wparam=<couldn't compute location>, lparam=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:3661] in user32 (0x0060f518)
  1 0x7ea65fb6 PostMessageA+0x55(wparam=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/user32/message.c:3638] in user32 (0x0060f568)
  2 0x7db6927e TABLET_PostTabletMessage+0x4d() in wintab32 (0x0060f598)
  3 0x7db69e23 WTOpenW+0x4f2(hWnd=<couldn't compute location>, lpLogCtx=<couldn't compute location>, fEnable=<couldn't compute location>) [./dlls/wintab32/context.c:487] in wintab32 (0x0060f758)
  4 0x02596789 in qwindows (+0x66788) (0x00020062)

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