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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#881617: Bug#881617: wine-development: wine32 creates win64 prefixes: wine prefer win32 on amd64 while wineserver prefer win64

Oh, and about the inconsistency:  yes, the wine wrapper /usr/bin/wine
defaults to the loader (from wine32) /usr/lib/wine/wine, while the
wineserver wrapper defaults to /usr/lib/wine/wineserver64.  But that's
absolutely correct:

Even if you run a 32-bit prefix wineserver64 is the right choice, you
don't need wineserver32 for that.  If you're building Wine from vanilla
upstream for 32- and 64-bit you end up with just exactly that binary.
And if you want something like vanilla upstream built only for 32-bit
you just have to uninstall wine64, so that /usr/lib/wine/wineserver32 is

The 32-bit wine loader is also the right choice for starting wine, even
if you want to run a 64-bit Windows application.  I'm quite sure that
you're never expected to call wine64 directly.


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