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[pkg-wine-party] winetricks 0.0+20170101-1 ready for upload (was: FYI, winetricks tarballs now have gpg signatures)

On 01/16/2017 04:49 PM, Jens Reyer wrote:
> Hi all, Joseph, Stephen!
> On 01/10/2017 02:37 PM, Jens Reyer wrote:
>> Just a gentle ping on that. I might start working on this in a few days
>> otherwise (but would love to see you doing this).
> I just updated the winetricks git repository at alioth. There's one
> change pending, then I'd like to upload a new package this week (see below).
> First off, Joseph, I really hope you return to working on winetricks
> again. I tried to stick with your workflow and hope my changes work for you.
> Now, Stephen (or whoever), I'd like to ask for DM upload rights for
> winetricks. This would make this upload easiest for me, and later I
> might look into sponsoring Joseph and maybe also get winetricks in
> backports. What do you think?
> Alternatively I'd look into finding sponsors towards this weekend.
> Details:
> I updated master, upstream and pristine-tar at
> https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-wine/winetricks.git.
> We're just discussing the correct menu category for winetricks at
> https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/pull/712

This is now settled and all changes that I intend committed to git.

Current head is ce2b3f77bfc789fbc27c15b85416677fc05d1a9c.

There's a lintian information desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry. I
suggest to keep it as is because I don't see the need for any additional
keyword. (So maybe add a lintian override.)

I ask for either sponsorship for this version, or DM upload rights for

  dcut dm --uid "0x79C43E620B039B35" --allow winetricks

Greets and thanks!

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