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Re: [pkg-wine-party] Wine / ARM architectures

[warming up an older thread]

On 12/09/2015 09:13 PM, Stephen Kitt wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Dec 2015 18:38:28 +0100, Jens Reyer <jre.winesim@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Matching 64- and 32-but architectures:
>> For an arm64 system, I assume wine32 should be installed from armhf (and
>> optionally from armel in case we fix that)!?
>> But installing wine32:i386 (or :powerpc) would not work, or should at
>> least not be suggested!?
> Yes on all counts.
> TBH I'm not sure there's all that much point in trying to come up with a
> meaningful 32/64-bit story on ARM though, given the lack of 32-bit ARM
> Windows software that makes sense to use on anything but a WinRT device...

With my recent changes you'll be warned on arm64 if wine32 is not installed:

  it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
  as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"

But there are no special multiarch instructions.

Alternatively we could drop that completly on arm64, or add instructions
for adding armel or armhf.

Without any hard opinion on this topic I decided against the first
solution because:

- Winelib apps work on arm64, but they might be 32-bit only (I hope I
got the naming/meaning/usage correct).
- (AFAIK, but I'm not aware of any explicit comment for arm64) upstream
generally considers pure 64-bit builds as broken because there are
internal routines that are 32-bit. I saw that issue in winecfg for the
mountmanager once.
- According to https://wiki.winehq.org/ARM64 WoW64 works.

However I also don't think special armel/armhf instructions are needed:

- I assume (might be very wrong) that arm users are aware of how to
handle architectures.
- Two alternative archs make the test/output not very clean. I may do
it, but I guess it's not worth the effort.


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