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Re: [pkg-wine-party] Bug#807026: FTBFS on amd64

On 01/07/2016 04:10 PM, Santiago Vila wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Dec 2015, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> So I should ask: Which one of those files is so special that they may
> not be built on amd64, and why not?

Upstream recently changed the buildsystem, since then the wine manpage
isn't available any more on 64-bit.

Yesterday I checked in a build based in my local git: surprisingly
still gets build (I didn't check if this also happened before my last
change). Yet arch:all still fails on amd64 because
doesn't exist. This would be created by d/rules from
which in turn is created by the upstream buildsystem - but only on
32-bit, not on 64-bit arch.

I don't know how to patch the buildsystem. But me might fallback to
loader/wine.man on 64-bit.

However, there's something else to consider: the wine manpage yields
arch specific paths (bindir), which depend on whether wine32 and/or
wine64 is installed. I see no way to install the "correct" wine manpage
for all cases since the wine script /usr/bin/wine executes different
wine binaries depending on what is installed. Installing a 64-bit wine
manpage would only be correct if only wine64 is installed (currently it
is the "wrong" information in that case).
On the other side, the mentioned filepaths don't exist in Debian
(neither the loader, nor the wineserver if we keep my recent changes).


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