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[pkg-wine-party] DM upload rights

Hi Mike and Stephen,

On 08.07.2016 16:27, Debian FTP Masters wrote:
> The following changes to the debian-maintainers keyring have just been
> jens.reyer@gmail.com
>     Full name: Jens Reyer
>     Added key: 8826EBE8FCF726EE182E23D779C43E620B039B35

My key is now in the debian-maintainers keyring (thanks again for your
advocacies!), so I'd like to ask you to give me some upload rights.

In the past I said I wanted them for wine and wine-development for
uploading to jessie-backports only, but now that I prepared some
upstream releases myself and seeing Mike's time restraints I'd like to
propose to also upload to unstable.
Then I'd usually try to make new releases only together with new
upstream releases and to push my other changes in advance.
Just to be clear, I absolutely don't want to replace Mike as (main)
uploader, but hope that we can continue to share the workload.

Next to the Wine packages I'd also like to have upload rights for
khronos-api in order to upload that to backports. In case there's
something to push to unstable I'd handle that as nmu and ask about that
separately before.

So if you are fine with that I'd like to ask you to execute the
following dcut command (a new keyring package with my key hasn't been
released yet, so you'd need to add my key to your local keyring and use
--force, see https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer#Granting_Permissions):

dcut --force dm --uid 8826EBE8FCF726EE182E23D779C43E620B039B35
 --allow wine wine-development khronos-api

Thanks and greets!

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