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Re: [pkg-wine-party] Plans for gnome-exe-thumbnailer?


The current packaging for gnome-exe-thumbnailer was based off Ubuntu's
0.9.3-0ubuntu1 version at
http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/gnome-exe-thumbnailer. Since then, the
copy in Debian replaced the original Ubuntu version because it had a
greater version number (0.9.3-2). That's probably why the sites list
Debian Wine Party as maintainer instead of Scott Ritchie, the original
maintainer. But as far as I know, the sources Launchpad and Debian have
are the same now.

https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=783277 has some mail
related to the whereabouts of the source. Scott and Jan were planning to
put the source on GitHub, but I don't think that happened yet. (keeping
them in the loop here)

Whether the source should remain in Launchpad or not should be decided
by Jan and Scott, and not me. I'm not aware of any plans for major
changes, but
https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-exe-thumbnailer/+bugs is
probably the closest thing to an upstream bug tracker. That was there
before I introduced exe-thumbnailer to Debian.

On a side note, I notice that the old Wine wiki page has since
disappeared. I should probably update the homepage that it points to,
but I don't see anything good to replace it with. :/

(CC'ing Debian Wine party as this is probably relevant there too;
exe-thumbnailer is team-maintained in Debian)


On 18/03/2016 11:11 AM, Kyle Auble wrote:
> Hello,
> I've recently been working on some of our docs at the Wine project. In
> the process, we're trying to get a clear idea of where any supplementary
> code is, but I wasn't sure where to direct people looking for the
> upstream of gnome-exe-thumbnailer.
> Debian PTS, Arch, and the few links on Gnome's website all point to the
> repo on Launchpad, but the Launchpad page has the Debian Wine packaging
> team listed as maintainers. In a README from an old version though,
> Scott R mentioned hoping the code would eventually be hosted upstream (I
> wasn't clear on if that meant Wine or Gnome).
> I tried emailing Scott, but I noticed he seems to have dropped out of
> sight in the past year, and I haven't heard back. As you're the most
> recent person to work with the package, I'd be interested in your
> thoughts about where the thumbnailer code ultimately belongs and what
> work it needs. Is the Launchpad repo still fine for upstream, or do you
> think it should be hosted somewhere else? Are there any major changes
> you think the program itself needs?
> Thank you for your time and enjoy your spring,
> Kyle

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