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Re: [pkg-wine-party] [wine] 03/08: Create winepath link and manpage.

Hi Mike

On 02/28/2016 07:59 PM, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Jens Reyer wrote:
>> If yes, I propose to provide symlinks in path for all the tools now in
>> /usr/lib/wineVERSION/ (wmc, wrc, winedump, winebuild and winemaker). 5
>> additional links in /usr/bin seem fair to me for an optional package
>> that needs to be installed on purpose.
> That seems fine.


Now I think we should also add at least a wineg++ link in /usr/bin (and
probably winecpp, not sure, I don't use it). Or does this pollute
/usr/bin too much?

I also noted that I had broken wineg++, so I readded the winegcc script.

About winepath in the tools packages.

I suggest to install our minimal wineapploader script as
/usr/bin/winepathVERSION. This duplicates wineapploader (155 bytes) from

Alternatively the -tools could depend on the wine package. However
currently it is possible to only install e.g. wine64-development-tools,
libwine-development-dev and libwine-development. A dependency on
wine-development would then pull in at least wine-development and
wine64-development (2MB).

I also tried a shared /usr/lib/wineVERSION/wineapploader (like e.g.
libwine-dev amd64 and i386 have some files in common), but didn't find a
working setup despite several variations of breaks and replaces. I
assume any solution here would be uglier than the small duplicated script.

If you don't object I'll push these 2 commits on Saturday to master.
We'll also need the winegcc script in the stretch branch.

My manpage patch has been committed upstream. So for the next release my
commit a3f45e8 can be reverted to remove it again.


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