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Re: [pkg-wine-party] Building Wine on 64 bit systems

On 22 January 2014 14:09, Michael Gilbert <mgilbert@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 9:58 PM, Andrew Ardill wrote:
> > I've had a couple of attempts now to build the debian wine package, but so
> > far have not had much luck. I can build wine from source just fine, but have
> > had to run in a chroot as per
> > http://verahill.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/497-compiling-wine-17-in-chroot-on.html
> > as I am on a 64 bit system.
> To be honest, those aren't very good instructions.

They worked! I would much rather have a good debian package, but these
got me on to a more modern wine than was available at the time :)

> > Is the build process laid out anywhere that I can reference? I have followed
> > instructions for building with the git packaging tools as best as I can, but
> > if there is a specific README or similar with build instructions that would
> > be great.
> 1. clone the debian package git repository
> 2. ./debian/scripts/import 1.7.11
> 3. debuild
> 4. copy to 32-bit environment (e.g. a chroot) and debuild again

I'll try this (perhaps tonight) and see how it all goes. I may even
write it up in the package README. Thanks for the instruction.


Andrew Ardill

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