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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#731146: (nessun oggetto)

I have installed both wine32 and wine64 from unstable (1.6.1-6), and the installation worked. I have also experienced, though, the problems listed above, i.e. difficulties in using it due to the fact that only one binary (32 or 64 bit) can be (at least, easily) used at a time: since many windows binaries are still distributed in 32 bit version only, this makes life quite difficult on 64 bit systems, where you have a bit of all binaries.

There are also some problems with alternatives (as noted both in this bug and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=732817 which I would suggest to merge in a single bug concerning WOW64 problems): I have actually been able to choose between 32 and 64 version wine from

sudo update-alternatives --config wine

but choosing the 32 bit version made all links to the 64 bit version disappear (and vice versa), making (IMO) the possibility to have both binaries installed at the same time practically ineffective.

From what I've seen, the way ubuntu solves this problem is by using a script for wine, instead of a symlink: that way, the script can recognize the file type of the executable and call the proper (32 bit r 64 bit) executable: so, one can run both 32 and 64 binaries from the same prefix and using the same binary, which I believe is the expected behaviour.

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