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[pkg-wine-party] [SCM] Debian Wine packaging branch, wheezy, updated. wine-1.4-7-302-gb61b690

The following commit has been merged in the wheezy branch:
commit 66cc5e30addd261e119564c46e00e31a34aa4f72
Author: Jacek Caban <jacek@codeweavers.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 25 11:26:34 2012 +0200

    vbscript: 'property' may be both keyword and identifier.
    (cherry picked from commit d856d7cd11d8845321b0ebf89ad866b3b168e9ba)

diff --git a/dlls/vbscript/parser.y b/dlls/vbscript/parser.y
index 2a85272..a5f7405 100644
--- a/dlls/vbscript/parser.y
+++ b/dlls/vbscript/parser.y
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ static class_decl_t *add_variant_prop(parser_ctx_t*,class_decl_t*,const WCHAR*,u
 static statement_t *link_statements(statement_t*,statement_t*);
+static const WCHAR propertyW[] = {'p','r','o','p','e','r','t','y',0};
 #define STORAGE_IS_PRIVATE    1
 #define STORAGE_IS_DEFAULT    2
@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ static statement_t *link_statements(statement_t*,statement_t*);
 %type <uint> Storage Storage_opt
 %type <dim_decl> DimDeclList
 %type <const_decl> ConstDecl ConstDeclList
+%type <string> Identifier
@@ -189,25 +192,25 @@ SimpleStatement
     | tON tERROR tRESUME tNEXT              { $$ = new_onerror_statement(ctx, TRUE); CHECK_ERROR; }
     | tON tERROR tGOTO '0'                  { $$ = new_onerror_statement(ctx, FALSE); CHECK_ERROR; }
     | tCONST ConstDeclList                  { $$ = new_const_statement(ctx, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    | tFOR tIdentifier '=' Expression tTO Expression Step_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tNEXT
+    | tFOR Identifier '=' Expression tTO Expression Step_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tNEXT
                                             { $$ = new_forto_statement(ctx, $2, $4, $6, $7, $9); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    | tFOR tEACH tIdentifier tIN Expression tNL StatementsNl_opt tNEXT
+    | tFOR tEACH Identifier tIN Expression tNL StatementsNl_opt tNEXT
                                             { $$ = new_foreach_statement(ctx, $3, $5, $7); }
-    : tIdentifier                           { $$ = new_member_expression(ctx, NULL, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    | CallExpression '.' tIdentifier        { $$ = new_member_expression(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
+    : Identifier                            { $$ = new_member_expression(ctx, NULL, $1); CHECK_ERROR; }
+    | CallExpression '.' Identifier         { $$ = new_member_expression(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
 DimDeclList /* FIXME: Support arrays */
-    : tIdentifier                           { $$ = new_dim_decl(ctx, $1, NULL); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    | tIdentifier ',' DimDeclList           { $$ = new_dim_decl(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
+    : Identifier                            { $$ = new_dim_decl(ctx, $1, NULL); CHECK_ERROR; }
+    | Identifier ',' DimDeclList            { $$ = new_dim_decl(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
     : ConstDecl                             { $$ = $1; }
     | ConstDecl ',' ConstDeclList           { $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; }
-    : tIdentifier '=' LiteralExpression     { $$ = new_const_decl(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
+    : Identifier '=' LiteralExpression      { $$ = new_const_decl(ctx, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; }
     : tWHILE        { $$ = TRUE; }
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ ExpExpression
     : LiteralExpression             { $$ = $1; }
     | CallExpression                { $$ = $1; }
-    | tNEW tIdentifier              { $$ = new_new_expression(ctx, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
+    | tNEW Identifier               { $$ = new_new_expression(ctx, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
     | '-' UnaryExpression           { $$ = new_unary_expression(ctx, EXPR_NEG, $2); CHECK_ERROR; }
@@ -350,7 +353,7 @@ PrimaryExpression
     | tME                           { $$ = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_ME, 0); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    : tCLASS tIdentifier tNL ClassBody tEND tCLASS tNL      { $4->name = $2; $$ = $4; }
+    : tCLASS Identifier tNL ClassBody tEND tCLASS tNL       { $4->name = $2; $$ = $4; }
     : /* empty */                               { $$ = new_class_decl(ctx); }
@@ -367,9 +370,9 @@ PropertyDecl
                                     { $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $4, FUNC_PROPSET, $1, $6, $9); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    : Storage_opt tSUB tIdentifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tSUB
+    : Storage_opt tSUB Identifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tSUB
                                     { $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $3, FUNC_SUB, $1, $4, $6); CHECK_ERROR; }
-    | Storage_opt tFUNCTION tIdentifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tFUNCTION
+    | Storage_opt tFUNCTION Identifier ArgumentsDecl_opt tNL StatementsNl_opt tEND tFUNCTION
                                     { $$ = new_function_decl(ctx, $3, FUNC_FUNCTION, $1, $4, $6); CHECK_ERROR; }
@@ -390,10 +393,14 @@ ArgumentDeclList
     | ArgumentDecl ',' ArgumentDeclList         { $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; }
-    : tIdentifier                               { $$ = new_argument_decl(ctx, $1, TRUE); }
-    | tBYREF tIdentifier                        { $$ = new_argument_decl(ctx, $2, TRUE); }
-    | tBYVAL tIdentifier                        { $$ = new_argument_decl(ctx, $2, FALSE); }
+    : Identifier                                { $$ = new_argument_decl(ctx, $1, TRUE); }
+    | tBYREF Identifier                         { $$ = new_argument_decl(ctx, $2, TRUE); }
+    | tBYVAL Identifier                         { $$ = new_argument_decl(ctx, $2, FALSE); }
+/* 'property' may be both keyword and identifier, depending on context */
+    : tIdentifier    { $$ = $1; }
+    | tPROPERTY      { $$ = propertyW; }
 static int parser_error(const char *str)

Debian Wine packaging

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