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[pkg-wine-party] [SCM] Debian Wine packaging annotated tag, wine-1.3.22, created. wine-1.3.22

The annotated tag, wine-1.3.22 has been created
        at  c2a9fd413e3d85f8f1263c97082ecf878ad3fdef (tag)
   tagging  24e7b5fb8b3c956407f748b027f7ca8e0822f863 (commit)
  replaces  wine-1.3.21
 tagged by  Alexandre Julliard
        on  Fri Jun 10 20:08:12 2011 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Release 1.3.22
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Adam Martinson (1):
      ole32: Don't call IDropTarget::QueryInterface() in RegisterDragDrop().

Alasdair Sinclair (1):
      comctl32/tab: Fully initialize itemData to fix x64 test failure.

Alexandre Julliard (47):
      winapi: Support optional parameters for stubs.
      widl: Don't output callback conformances for non-interpreted functions.
      widl: Array dimensions have to be constants.
      iphlpapi: Close the socket in IcmpCloseHandle.
      winevdm: Print an error when trying to start a DOS app from the z: drive.
      widl: Support using custom handle types with the implicit_handle attribute.
      widl: Add a more generic way of determining the type of handle for a function.
      widl: Fix representation of context handles in the format string.
      widl: Always update the type format offset in write_type_tfs and not in callers.
      widl: Don't allow unions passed by value or floating point returns for interpreted functions.
      widl: Add a -O option to specify stub style.
      widl: Generate function headers in the proc format string for interpreted functions.
      widl: Use the pointer offset for arrays declared as pointer in the proc format strings of interpreted functions.
      include: Make CLIENT_CALL_RETURN definition platform-specific to handle the return type incompatibility in NdrClientCall.
      msvcp60: Synchronize the spec file.
      msvcrt: Comment out exports with a non-standard comment to prevent make_specfiles from trying to update them.
      rpcrt4: Add entry points for the old-style stubless Ndr calls.
      widl: Always use signed types in parameter formats.
      widl: Add support for generating old-style interpreted stubs for proxies.
      widl: Add support for generating old-style interpreted stubs for clients.
      widl: Add support for generating old-style interpreted stubs for servers.
      widl: Add support for new-style interpreted stubs in the proc format strings.
      widl: Add support for generating new-style interpreted stubs for clients.
      widl: Add support for generating new-style interpreted stubs for servers.
      widl: Generate thunks for callas functions using interpreted stubs.
      widl: Add support for generating new-style interpreted stubs for proxies.
      widl: In 64-bit mode, pass all arguments to NdrClientCall instead of a pointer to the first one.
      widl: Set a correct fpu parameter mask on 64-bit.
      widl: Don't generate old-style interpreted stubs on 64-bit.
      widl: Don't allow floating point parameters for interpreted functions.
      widl: Don't require inline stubs for functions that are never generated.
      kernel32: Fix the handling of CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX in GetCalendarInfo.
      widl: Add a helper function for generating a stub that uses NdrClientCall.
      widl: Pass a structure containing the parameters to NdrClientCall instead of accessing the stack.
      widl: Fix packing of parameter structures for arguments larger than a pointer.
      widl: Fix a typo in updating the type format offset for strings.
      rpcrt4/tests: Add a few more marshalling tests.
      msi: Create temp files in the destination directory instead of the root.
      dispex: Make sure we don't pass a NULL array to IDispatchEx_InvokeEx.
      advapi32: Fix the parameter checks in QueryServiceStatusEx.
      advapi32: Always pass valid buffers in the EnumServicesStatus requests.
      rpcrt4: Don't marshall out-only parameters in the old-style stubless marshaller.
      rpcrt4: Fix handling of arguments passed by value in the old-style stubless marshaller.
      rpcrt4: Fix parameter stack size computation in the old-style stubless marshaller.
      rpcrt4: Add support for the argument size of varying arrays.
      rpcrt4: Don't try to bind to a null handle.
      Release 1.3.22.

Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
      dbghelp: Add stubs SymFromIndex, SymFromIndexW.

Andrew Eikum (4):
      winealsa.drv: Partially implement IAudioSessionManager2.
      wineoss.drv: Partially implement IAudioSessionManager2.
      winecoreaudio.drv: Partially implement IAudioSessionManager2.
      mmdevapi: Add support for IAudioSessionManager in IMMDevice::Activate.

Andrew Nguyen (20):
      ddraw/tests: Remove a superfluous skip check.
      ddraw: Add a NULL callback pointer check in the EnumDevices implementations.
      ddraw: Remove some unused structure definitions in the private ddraw header.
      d3d8/tests: Avoid a shift overflow in render_state_test_data_init.
      d3d9/tests: Avoid a shift overflow in render_state_test_data_init.
      d3d9: Drop a superfluous cast in IDirect3DDevice9Impl_CreateOffscreenPlainSurface.
      d3d9: Match temporary variables with UINT return types and fix a return value.
      advapi32/tests: Add tests for GetUserNameA/W.
      ddraw: Extend the lifetime of the EnumDevices strings beyond function scope.
      ddraw: Handle a callback cancellation attempt in d3d7_EnumDevices.
      hostname: Output a CRLF newline with the hostname string.
      advapi32: Fix last error value of GetUserNameA/W and output buffer handling in GetUserNameA.
      ws2_32: Free the asynchronous query structure if thread creation fails.
      ws2_32/tests: Properly destroy the async test window.
      ws2_32: Avoid a crash with an optional pointer in WSAAsyncGetServByPort.
      dbghelp: Implement SymEnumSourceFilesW.
      ws2_32/tests: Avoid casting a WSAAccept function pointer parameter in test_accept.
      ws2_32/tests: Fix some test thread procedure prototypes.
      d3d8: Increment the reference count of the IDirect3D8 parent when creating a device.
      d3d9: Increment the reference count of the IDirect3D9 parent when creating a device.

André Hentschel (12):
      ws2_32/tests: Initialize atmark (valgrind).
      include: Define FIBER_FLAG_FLOAT_SWITCH.
      documentation: Replaced CVS with Git.
      winedbg: Increase buffer for function names.
      mscoree/tests: Broken return value is a HRESULT_FROM_WIN32.
      mscoree/tests: Test more IStream Functions on a ConfigStream.
      include: Add PF_XSAVE_ENABLED.
      c2man: Better detect that the file is in use.
      include: Add more storage ioctls.
      include: Add ATA ioctls.
      mscoree/tests: Mark a weird w2k3 result as broken.

Aric Stewart (30):
      usp10: Handle new OpenType tags for Microsoft Indic fonts.
      usp10: Improve Sinhala shaping using Indic rules.
      usp10: Add Devanagari script.
      usp10: Add Bengali script.
      usp10: Add Gurmukhi script.
      usp10: Add Gujarati script.
      usp10: Add Oriya script.
      usp10: Add Tamil script.
      usp10: Add Telugu script.
      usp10: Add Kannada script.
      ups10: Add Malayalam script.
      usp10/tests: Add Devanagari shaping test.
      usp10/tests: Add Bengali shaping test.
      usp10/tests: Add Gurmukhi shaping test.
      usp10/tests: Add Gujarati shaping test.
      usp10/tests: Add Oriya shaping test.
      usp10/tests: Add Tamil shape test.
      usp10/tests: Add Telugu shaping test.
      usp10/tests: Add Malayalam shaping test.
      usp10: Correct indic vowel marker name.
      gdi32: Fall back on uniscribe for complex scripts.
      usp10: Don't return prematurely from Chaining Contextual Substitution.
      usp10: Do not over increment glyph index in Chaining Contextual Substitution.
      usp10: Gurmukhi has Ras but no Ralf. So do not treat them as a lex_Ra for reordering.
      usp10: Correct matra type for Oriya 0x0B57.
      usp10: Refine Ralf reordering location for Devanagari and Gujarati.
      usp10: Execute half after pstf.
      usp10: Bengali initial form is only applied to the beginning of words.
      usp10: Sinhala vowels are not fully decomposed. The Kombuva is simply split off.
      usp10: Strip dangling joiners for Sinhala.

Aurimas Fišeras (1):
      po: Update Lithuanian translation.

Austin English (2):
      imm32: Add a stub for ImmEnumInputContext.
      ntoskrnl.exe: add a stub for IoSetThreadHardErrorMode.

Dan Kegel (2):
      cmd: WCMD_delete: move "Delete *.* ?" processing into WCMD_delete_confirm_wildcard.
      cmd: WCMD_delete: fix /s for dirnames containing spaces, add test.

Daniel Scharrer (2):
      include: Fix compile error in d3dtypes.h for c++ programs that define D3D_OVERLOADS.
      include: Include math.h in d3dvec.inl as it uses sqrt().

David Hedberg (3):
      crypt32: Add BCryptEnumAlgorithms stub.
      ole32: Add ManualResetEvent implementation.
      oleaut32: Don't crash in wrapper if variant resides in read-only memory.

Detlef Riekenberg (1):
      shdocvw: Add support for IOleInPlaceSiteEx.

Dylan Smith (17):
      include: Pack ACMDRVSTREAMHEADER since ACMSTREAMHEADER is packed.
      d3dx9: Respect the options parameter for mesh loading.
      d3dx9/tests: Add tests for D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromXInMemory.
      d3dx9: Add support for loading materials from X files.
      d3dx9: Generate effect instances from materials for mesh loading.
      d3dx9/tests: Test effect generation and material loading for X files.
      d3dx9: Add support for loading texture coords from X files.
      d3dx9: Add support for loading vertex colors from X files.
      d3dx9/tests: Add texture coordinates and vertex colors in X file.
      d3dx9: Implement D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX.
      d3dx9: Implement D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory.
      d3dx9: Support optional parameters for D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory.
      d3dx9: Implement D3DXLoadMeshFromX and D3DXLoadMeshFromXResource.
      d3dx9/tests: Add tests for D3DXLoadMeshFromXInMemory.
      d3dxof: Remove unnecessary fields from IDirectXFileEnumObjectImpl.
      d3dxof: Factor out duplicated code for parsing X file header.
      d3dxof: Factor out parse template loops into a function.

Frédéric Delanoy (1):
      taskmgr: No need for translatable string for IDC_MEM_USAGE_HISTORY_GRAPH pushbutton.

Gerald Pfeifer (1):
      imm32: Simplify find_window where we do not need to consider the return value of EnumChildWindows.

Hans Leidekker (24):
      msi: Skip files from global assemblies in the RemoveFiles action.
      msi: Set the SystemComponent installation property if necessary.
      appwiz.cpl: Don't list system components.
      uninstaller: Don't list system components.
      winhttp: Don't change the verb if the server response is HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_KEEP_VERB.
      wininet: Don't change the verb if the server response is HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_KEEP_VERB.
      wininet: Consistently use the allocation macros.
      crypt32: GetUserName sets last error to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if the buffer is too small.
      msi: GetUserName sets last error to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if the buffer is too small.
      msi: Factor out common code to execute custom action commands.
      msi: Reorder dialog functions to avoid forward declarations.
      msi: Revert 8321276cd34486bc6bf1e07c0e99c73423288854.
      msi: Fully initialize the MSISTORAGESVIEW and MSISTREAMSVIEW structures.
      msi: Print a warning instead of an error if we're going to remove an installed file.
      msi: Add support for returning validation errors.
      msi: Handle disabled components properly in the ProcessComponents action.
      msi: Get rid of forward declarations for custom action handlers.
      msi: Avoid some AW conversions.
      msi: Get rid of some more forward declarations.
      msi: Add a stub implementation of MsiCreateTransformSummaryInfo.
      msi: Remove redundant function find_feature_by_name.
      msi: Implement and test MsiGetFeatureInfo.
      msi: Implement and test MsiSetFeatureAttributes.
      advapi32: Make sure lpDisplayName is initialized in EnumServicesStatusA.

Henri Verbeet (20):
      wined3d: Don't clamp vertex depth values.
      wined3d: Rename IWineD3DDeviceImpl_MarkStateDirty() to device_invalidate_state().
      wined3d: Rename Context_MarkStateDirty() to context_invalidate_state().
      d3d8: Just return the resource type in IDirect3DResource8::GetType() implementations.
      d3d9: Just return the resource type in IDirect3DResource8::GetType() implementations.
      wined3d: Get rid of wined3d_texture_get_type().
      wined3d: Just enable ARB_shader_texture_lod if it's available.
      wined3d: Use GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT as internal format for depth_blt_texture.
      wined3d: Rename IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithDepthFmt to wined3d_check_pixel_format_depth().
      wined3d: cfg can never be NULL in wined3d_check_pixel_format_depth().
      usp10: Fix a memory leak in GDEF_UpdateGlyphProps().
      usp10: Store the GDEF table in the script cache.
      wined3d: Rename IWineD3DImpl_IsPixelFormatCompatibleWithRenderFmt() to wined3d_check_pixel_format_color().
      wined3d: cfg can never be NULL in wined3d_check_pixel_format_color().
      wined3d: Rename IWineD3DDeviceImpl_LoadLogo() to device_load_logo().
      wined3d: Rename IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateVolume() to device_update_volume().
      wined3d: Rename IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps() to wined3d_adapter_init_gl_caps().
      wined3d: Handle unpack row length inside surface_upload_data().
      wined3d: Get rid of a NULL check for surface_upload_data().
      wined3d: Move PBO handling mostly out of surface_upload_data().

Huw Davies (11):
      gdi32: Add support for 4 bpp dibs.
      gdi32/tests: Add tests for 4 bpp dibs.
      gdi32: Add support for 4 bpp brushes.
      gdi32/tests: Add tests for 4 bpp brushes.
      gdi32: Add support for 24 bpp dibs.
      gdi32/tests: Add tests for 24 bpp dibs.
      gdi32: Add support for 24 bpp brushes.
      gdi32/tests: Add tests for 24 bpp brushes.
      gdi32: Fix an error in the blue channel of the 32 -> 16 bpp conversion and update the tests to catch this.
      gdi32: Update pixel colours when the colour table changes.
      winex11: Move the code that checks for a colortable based dib to a separate function.

Jacek Caban (23):
      include: Added iextag.idl file.
      mshtml: Added support for accessing document elements by index.
      mshtml: Added IHTMLElement::get_offsetLeft implementation.
      mshtml: Added IOmNavigator::get_mimeTypes implementation.
      mshtml: Don't release plugins collection in OmNavigator destructor since it contains a weak reference.
      mshtml: Added IDispatchEx support to HTMLMimeTypesCollection object.
      mshtml: Added IHTMLMimeTypesCollection::get_length implementation.
      mshtml: Added IHTMLElement::get_offsetParent implementation.
      iextag.idl: Added ClientCaps coclass declaration.
      urlmon: Initialize PROTOCOLDATA structure before passing it to Switch.
      urlmon: Avoid accessing an uninitialized variable (valgrind).
      urlmon: Avoid accessing an uninitialized variable (valgrind).
      widl: Don't duplicate optarg and optind declarations in sources.
      mshtml: Added VT_ERROR printing to debugstr_variant.
      include: Added fltdefs.h from mingw-w64 project.
      iphlpapi: Added PfCreateInterface stub implementation.
      urlmon: Correctly handle empty files.
      urlmon: Added empty file binding test.
      wininet: Moved INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE notifications sending to separated function.
      wininet: Don't pass handle to INTERNET_REQUEST_COMPLETE unless the request is opened via InternetPoenUrl.
      wininet: Set content_length when we reach end of data in netconn_read.
      wininet: Added dwError of INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE notifications tests.
      wininet: A small netconn_secure_verify code clean up.

Juan Lang (2):
      crypt32: Support CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_A in CertFindCertificateInStore.
      setupapi: Make sure machine name is non-empty before failing.

Jörg Höhle (5):
      mmdevapi/tests: Fix wrong buffer unit and memory leaks.
      winealsa: Properly allocate the WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE returned by GetMixFormat.
      winecoreaudio: Properly allocate the WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE returned by GetMixFormat.
      wineoss: Properly allocate the WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE returned by GetMixFormat.
      winecoreaudio: mmdevapi's mixer format is 32bit floating point.

Louis Lenders (5):
      crypt32: Add stub for PFXVerifyPassword.
      netapi32: Fill the data buffer with something useful in NetLocalGroupGetInfo.
      netapi32/tests: Add small conformance test for NetLocalGroupGetInfo and LocalGroupGetMembers.
      netapi32: Improve stubbed NetGetJoinInformation function.
      netapi32/tests: Add small conformance test for NetGetJoinInformation.

Marcus Meissner (7):
      comdlg32: Mark one vtable as static.
      windowscodecs: Mark 3 vtables static.
      wineoss.drv: Mark internal symbols with hidden visibility.
      ntdll: Specify div to be divl.
      mpr: Added missing pointer dereference (Coverity).
      kernel32: Pass in a real string to SetLocaleInfoA, not a function pointer (Coverity).
      gdiplus: Convert and pass in 3 points, not 1 (Coverity).

Mariusz Pluciński (4):
      shell32/tests: Basic tests of IKnownFolderManager.
      shell32/tests: Basic tests of IKnownFolder.
      include: Add definition of inline function FreeKnownFolderDefinitionFields.
      shell32/tests: Test of IKnownFolder::GetFolderDefinition.

Marko Nikolic (10):
      comctl32/tests: Fixed variable type, removed sign comparison warning.
      comctl32/tests: Use unsigned constants to remove sign comparison warning.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in tooltip tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in toolbar tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in status tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in tab tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in monthcal tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in listview tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in imagelist tests.
      comctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in rebar tests.

Matteo Bruni (3):
      wined3d: Mark some texture formats as filterable.
      wined3d: Fix glDrawBuffers() optimization.
      wined3d: Simplify context_apply_draw_buffers() a bit.

Michael Stefaniuc (43):
      d3dxof/tests: Fix an ok() comment to match the tested value.
      shell32: COM cleanup in autocomplete.c.
      shell32: COM cleanup for the IDropTargetHelper iface.
      shell32: COM cleanup for the IShellFolder2 iface in cpanelfolder.c.
      shell32: Finish the COM cleanup in cpanelfolder.c.
      shell32: COM cleanup in shfldr_mycomp.c.
      infosoft/tests: COM cleanup in infosoft.c.
      shell32: COM cleanup in shfldr_netplaces.c.
      fusion: COM cleanup for the IAssemblyName iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10Texture2D iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10Texture3D iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10DepthStencilView iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10ShaderResourceView iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10GeometryShader iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10BlendState iface.
      d3d10: COM cleanup for the ID3D10EffectType iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10DepthStencilState iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10RasterizerState iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10SamplerState iface.
      d3d10core: COM cleanup for the ID3D10Query iface.
      d3d10: COM cleanup for the ID3D10EffectPass iface.
      d3d10: COM cleanup for the ID3D10EffectTechnique iface.
      d3d10: COM cleanup for the ID3D10Effect iface.
      d3d10: COM cleanup for the ID3D10ShaderReflection iface.
      advapi32: Remove wrong "is NULL and error out" code (coccicheck).
      inetcomm: Rename a typedef to prevent it from being shadowed.
      inetcomm: COM cleanup for the IMimeInternational iface.
      shell32: Pass object pointers instead of ifaces to internal helpers.
      shell32: COM cleanup for the IContextMenu2 iface.
      dxgi: COM cleanup for the IDXGIOutput iface.
      dxgi: COM cleanup in the IDXGISwapChain iface.
      ddraw: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DMaterial2 iface.
      ddraw: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DMaterial iface.
      dxgi: COM cleanup for the IWineDXGIFactory iface.
      dxgi: COM cleanup for the IWineDXGIDevice iface.
      dxgi: COM cleanup for the IWineDXGIAdapter iface.
      dxgi: COM cleanup for the IDXGISurface iface.
      ddraw: COM cleanup for the IDirectDrawGammaControl iface.
      ddraw: Rename d3d_material_init() and have it allocate the object too.
      ddraw: Avoid "unsafe" IDirect3DMaterial3 to object casts.
      ddraw: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DMaterial3 iface.
      ddraw: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DLight iface.
      ddraw: Use unsafe_impl_from_IDirect3DLight() for application provided ifaces.

Owen Rudge (1):
      winemapi: Ensure address is valid before checking for 'smtp:'.

Peter Urbanec (2):
      ws2_32/tests: Use WSAGetLastError() when reporting errors.
      ws2_32/tests: Socket error handling and reporting tests.

Piotr Caban (8):
      msvcrt: Fix mingw compilation issues.
      msvcrt: Fix pclmap and pcumap for "C" locale.
      msvcrt: Improved tolower_l and toupper_l implementation.
      msvcrt: Fixed buffer overflow in snprintf functions family.
      comctl32: Improve LISTVIEW_MarqueeHighlight performance.
      comctl32: Fix listview horizontal scrolling.
      comctl32: Fix ListView_Scroll implementation.
      msvcrt: Fix broken exports in spec file.

Piotr Pawłow (1):
      wined3d: Set container of swapchain surfaces to WINED3D_CONTAINER_NONE in swapchain_init() error path.

Rico Schüller (4):
      d3dx9: Improve effect sampler parsing.
      d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetFloatArray().
      d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetIntArray().
      d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetBoolArray().

Ričardas Barkauskas (16):
      ddraw: Use unsafe_impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface3() for application provided interfaces.
      ddraw: Rename surface_from_surface3() to impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface3().
      ddraw: Use a This variable in the IDirectDraw3 methods that lack one.
      ddraw: Change IDirectDrawSurface3_vtbl to IDirectDrawSurface3_iface.
      ddraw: Use unsafe_impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface7() for application provided interfaces.
      ddraw: Pass an object instead of iface to helper function CreateSurface.
      ddraw: Separate conversion from IDirectDrawSurface7 iface to object and conversion to other iface.
      ddraw: Separate other conversion to IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl from conversions to ifaces.
      ddraw: Use impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface7() instead of casts.
      ddraw: Avoid IDirectDrawSurfaceX to IDirectDrawSurface7 casts.
      ddraw: Change lpVtbl to IDirectDrawSurface7_iface.
      ddraw: Use unsafe_impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface4.
      ddraw: Separate IDirectDrawSurface4 vtable.
      ddraw: Separate IDirectDrawSurface2 vtable.
      ddraw: Use unsafe_impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface() for application provided interfaces.
      ddraw: Separate IDirectDrawSurface vtable.

Sean Sube (1):
      d3d9/tests: Added unbound sampler test for pixel shaders.

Stefan Dösinger (3):
      wined3d: Don't check the FBO status if FIXMEs are off.
      wined3d: Set last_was_blit to FALSE in the if condition that checks for it.
      wined3d: Silence R16 and AL16 fourcc warnings.

Vincent Povirk (6):
      ole32: Avoid opening source storage in IStorage::CopyTo.
      user32/tests: Add test for flags on keyboard messages.
      user32/tests: Ignore paint messages in hotkey tests.
      user32/tests: Add test showing hotkeys change the async key state.
      user32/tests: Test registering the same hotkey hwnd/id pair twice.
      user32/tests: Do not check the last error on succeeding hotkey calls.

Vitaliy Margolen (1):
      dinput: Keyboard does not support DIPROP_RANGE property.

Łukasz Wojniłowicz (1):
      loader: Add Polish translation.


Debian Wine packaging

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