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[pkg-wine-party] Bug#677714: Bug#677714: wine-unstable: Incomplete upload of 1.5 for amd64

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 3:48 AM, Jakub Moc rote:
> Dear maintainer, is this some sort of poor joke, or what is going on
> here?


> After the latest update to 1.5.6-1, installing wine-unstable
> results in installing two dummy, empty and absolutely useless packages
> on amd64.
> $ dpkg -L wine{,64-bin}-unstable
> /.
> /usr
> /usr/share
> /usr/share/doc
> /usr/share/doc/libwine-unstable
> /usr/share/doc/wine-unstable
> /.
> /usr
> /usr/bin
> /usr/bin/wine

Try typing "wine".

> /usr/share
> /usr/share/doc
> /usr/share/doc/libwine-unstable
> /usr/share/doc/wine64-bin-unstable

We could probably be better at being informative with a NEWS entry,
but its not really at the top of my list of things to do.  I would
certainly be willing to apply an appropriate patch for that.

Best wishes,

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