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Re: [pkg-wine-party] Moving forward after 1.2.3-0.1: proposed patches

* Michael Gilbert:

> 1/8 and 2/8 - I already fixed this (differently) for the 1.4 series.
> Do you disagree with my approach?

When I prepared the patch series, I hadn't even looked at your fix yet.

I did see that things would break once dependencies for
libwine-gecko-$VERSION are introduced...

Using unique character sequence that isn't part of package names (such
as "WINE" instead of "wine") for declaring that certain package names
should be rewritten makes the workaround in prep-control.sh unnecessary.
So, yes, I do like my approach better. The scripts that are used to
generate input for the various packaging stages are complicated enough
as they are. :-)

> 3/8 - This has an important bug report, so it would be good to fix it.
> 4/8 - Fixes an important bug, so its good.
> 5/8 - This is a cosmetic fix, so I think we should let the maintainer
> handle this.

Ove, any comments on this one?

If there's no positive reaction to this patch, I will just document it
in the BTS.

> 6/8 - Fixes an important bug, so its good.
> 7/8 - Fixes an RC issue, so its good.
> 8/8 - Includes some missing upstream files, so thats good.

Five out of eight, that's not too bad. :-)

> wine 1.2 has some major issues on kfreebsd, so since it will take a
> lot of work to get that in order, I think it would be better to put
> all of our focus on making 1.4 solid for release at this point, rather
> than putting any more effort into 1.2

I agree that 1.4 should go to unstable as quickly as possible. Most of
the changes I proposed should be applicable to the 1.4 branch, too. If
we can't get 1.4 into testing in time for the freeze, I'd rather see
wheezy released with wine-1.2.3 than with wine-1.0 (or no wine package
at all).

Btw, am I the only one who can't get wine-gecko-1.4 to build on

>> Also: Are there any objections to switching to source format 3.0
>> (quilt)?
> Yes.  We cannot do that because it would be a violation of NMU
> procedures (even though I agree that it would be nice).

Ove, any comments from your side?


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