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Re: [pkg-wine-party] Bug#591837: Wine 1.2 packages with wine-gecko

> I'd appreciate your feedback! Regarding #591837, the provided patch
> doesn't work but it may be possible that Wine 1.2 builds as-is on
> kfreebsd-i386.


i've just tested your package, and it seems to work just fine for so
far. i would really like to see this get into squeeze.  have you
and/or the maintainer talked to the release team about getting it in?

there are a couple somewhat minor issues i've seen so far that really
should be fixed.

1. the dependency on wine-gecko really should be dropped for now (and
when that package is ready, it should be at maximum a recommends since wine
gets by just fine without wine-gecko).  this is especially important if you
want to get this into squeeze since no more new packages are going be
accepted due to the freeze.

2. there is a lintian error that really should be fixed:
   'E: libwine-openal: usr-share-doc-symlink-without-dependency libwine'

also, there are about a thousand warnings about manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry,
which is quite a nuisance and should be fixed, but that can certainly
wait until after squeeze. 

best wishes,

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