Re: Usage of dpkg under cygwin
--- Claes Wallin <> wrote:
> > >The *real* solution is to fix dpkg. Checking for being root is a
> broken
> > >test. Checking if the current user has the appropriate access is a
> more
> > >flexible and portable test.
> >
> > NO NO NO NO NO!!! It is absolutely needed. You don't get it. It is
> > needed during the final packaging stages because when the built
> > binaries are tar'd up, THEY HAVE TO BE OWNED BY ROOT because this
> tar
> > is then extracted directly into the filesystem when that package is
> > installed later on someone's machine. You do not want programs
> being
> > installed into /usr/bin owned by some random user that had the same
> uid
> > as some random developer. THEY HAVE TO BE OWNED BY ROOT!
> If the current user has "the appropriate access" as I believe the
> previous
> poster defines it, the packager can easily give the files the correct
> ownership.
> But really, isn't it silly to demand privileges just to write the
> correct uids
> to an archive? It's not like the OS forbids you to create archives
> with any
> contents you like. This hokus pokus is just because we want to use
> the standard
> tar command, isn't it?
Yes and under windows it has very little if any meaning at all.
If you are talking the a deaf man, you better learn sign language.
James Michael DuPont
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