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Re: Usage of dpkg under cygwin

>>>>> "paul" == Paul Baker <pbaker@where2getit.com> writes:

    paul> On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 01:43 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

    >> The *real* solution is to fix dpkg. Checking for being root is a broken
    >> test. Checking if the current user has the appropriate access is a more
    >> flexible and portable test.

    paul> NO NO NO NO NO!!! It is absolutely needed. You don't get it. It is
    paul> needed during the final packaging stages because when the built
    paul> binaries are tar'd up, THEY HAVE TO BE OWNED BY ROOT because this tar
    paul> is then extracted directly into the filesystem when that package is
    paul> installed later on someone's machine. You do not want programs being
    paul> installed into /usr/bin owned by some random user that had the same
    paul> uid as some random developer. THEY HAVE TO BE OWNED BY ROOT!

I agree with Paul, but for completely different reasons.  Under
Microsoft Windows, isn't the name of the Administrator rather
arbitrary?  So it seems like the correct approach might be to discover
users with the right permissions, and probe for which to run under
(I've seen setups (not recently, but back in the old days when I had
to use NT) where there was no Administrator user, that being
renamed to something else, like God, or PowerfulUserFromHell.


A.J. Rossini
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini@u.washington.edu	

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