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Re: [Dev-C++] Compiling Cygwin

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 04:29:58PM +0200, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> I wouldn't like to use the Cygwin installer because it might conflict with 
> W32/Debian packages. Let me explain again what I would like to contribute :
> 1) Package management
> - Port Debian dpkg to native Windows and compile it using mingw. This task has 
> nearly been accomplished on http://debian-cygwin.sourceforge.net/bootstrap/.

Last I heard there's still this little problem of replacing locked files
-- dpkg depends on it, Windows can't do it. To date, the best solution I
can see is to do install symlinks in /bin, /usr/bin, and so on, which
point to the real executables (which go in some other location, with
their version number appended). When you want to upgrade, install the
file as foo-version.number, and point the symlink at it. You'd probably
also want a little daemon or cronjob to remove the obselete versions
once they became unlocked.

> - Compile Cygwin.dll using mingw. This will enable the creation of a first 
> W32/Debian Cygwin.dll package. This should be possible using MSYS-1.0.7 and 
> MinGW-1.1.
> This will allow to create W32/Debian packages and tell wether they depend on 
> Cygwin or not. For example, we may offer Perl with depency to Cygwin and 
> another one with no depency (mingw).

What you're setting out here is interesting, but is a bit different from
what was previously envisioned. The initial design was probably more
Debian/Cygwin than Debian/w32, but people have mentioned LINE too.

By making Cygwin optional I personally suspect you'd break an
unmanageable number of things, without really gaining much, BICBW.


John Ineson
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