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Packaging Yii Framework


I am looking for some advice with regard to packaging the PHP Yii
Framework. I already maintain two Debian packages, and would like to
package Yii Framework as I am using it for a project that I am working
on. This appears to be a package which much like Ruby On Rails; is not
actually used in any way by the deployed application. I.e. once
deployed, all the required components have been copied into the
specified web root. For example, a webapp can be deployed as follows
from the extracted framework source:

./yiic webapp /var/www

Once deployed, the yiic command line utility expects to carry out
activities in the current working directory (i.e. inside the webapp
directory itself).

I have the following questions which I hope someone will be able to help with:

Is it sensible to bother packaging such an application? I think the
answer to this is "yes". Anything you can install as part of the
distribution (possibly adapted to better suit to that distro) has to
be a good thing. This includes automatic integrity checks etc...

Assuming that it's worth the effort, what is the best approach? My
first guess is to install the framework source to
/usr/share/<pkg_name>, and symlink /usr/bin/yiic to

Naming convention. The upstream tarball is named yii-x.x.x.tar.gz, and
the documentation is yii-docs-x.x.x.tar.gz. Is this a good candidate
for the new multiple source tarball support in DebSrc3.0? My initial
thoughts are to have a source package called yii, which provides yii
and yii-docs? I noticed the PHP draft policy looked a bit sparse in
this area ;) I thought I'd at lease clear this up before filing the

Any advice and/or discussion would be much appreciated.


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