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Re: Web app and httpd (apache2) reconfig questions

Hello Lars!

Le lundi 19 avril 2010, Lars Wirzenius a écrit :
> However, I would like to make the package to be as high quality as
> possible. So I have some questions.

I shall try to anwser them according to my (small) experience as a
webapp package maintainer. I am not a Debian developper, though, and I
am just a newbie packager, so take my advice with care. :-)

> Koha wants (for now) to add a custom vhost, and installs an Apache
> config file in /etc/koha/koha-httpd.conf, and symlinks that
> to /etc/apache2/sites-available. What is the best way to get that
> enabled?
> * Install a symlink into sites-enabled, in the package?

The Debian webapp packages I saw (PhpMyAdmin, RoundCube, DokuWiki) do
not add a custom virtual host, but rather an alias /webapp_name
/usr/share/webapp, installed in a conf.d/webapp.conf.

> * Call a2ensite in the postinst?

No need if it is in conf.d, I think.

> * Should this be enabled/disabled via a debconf question?

I do not think this is necessary for installing an alias. However, some
packages (DokuWiki) ask for the alias name.

> Koha needs the Apache rewrite module. How do I enable that?

Is that really needed or just optional to beautify some URLs?

> If I make the package do the above Apache configuration changes, how do
> I reload or restart Apache?

I think force-reload is enough: this is what I do for DokuWiki.

> At the moment I don't enable things, but I include a README.Debian that
> documents the necessary steps the sysadmin needs to take to enable
> things.

I suggest that you:
* enable an alias in /etc/apache2/conf.d;
* do not enable the URL rewrite stuff unless it is really needed;
* keep the code for enabling it commented in the Apache HTTPD
  configuration file;
* document how to:
  + enable a virtual host,
  + enable the URL rewrite process
  in your README.Debian.

Tanguy Ortolo

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