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Re: Webapps policy: final RFC

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 02:26:36PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> I suggest mentioning /home alongside /srv etc in 5.1.1 and 3.1.


> 3.3 mentions /usr/local/PACKAGE, IMO that should be /usr/local/share/PACKAGE


> I also wonder how /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ interacts with multi-arch.

Have asked :)

> /usr/share/PACKAGE/htdocs also gets used for static content, I wonder
> about adding that to 3.1.

It's currently got:
 "A unique subdirectory of /usr/share/PACKAGE"
which should cover this. Do you think it's worth adding htdocs as an

< MadCoder> and right now I'm wearing a tutu and am doing dance steps
< Maulkin> I'm scared by the French cabal in tutus.
< HE> The french cabal doesn't need tutus to scare me.
< HE> They have combined computing power (see lucas) with pure madness (see Joss)

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