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Re: [php-maint] PHP module maintenance

> I'd be fine with granting wider access to pkg-php for a module packaging
> group, but then I'd want some promises that they'd play in their own
> playground and not wander over to the main php4/ and php5/ parts of the
> tree without consulting me first. :)

Sounds perfectly reasonable. And on second thought, while I think it
makes most sense for modules, I think that other common PHP utilities
might also fit here (stuff like phpDocumentor when it gets packaged).

I like the model adopted by pkg-java, outlined at:


    "There are two kinds of packages in this project:

         1. Packages with "Maintainer: Debian Java maintainers
         <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth...>" are "public packages":
         All members of the pkg-java project are allowed to modify and
         upload the package without asking first.

         2. Packages with an individual maintainer: Please ask the
         maintainer before changing the package or adding yourself to
         Uploaders: first.

    "The goal is to make all base and library package public so that you
    can change them easily e.g. when your application needs an updated
    version. You don't have to file a bug report in this case and wait
    for the maintainer to upload a new version, you can simply upload
    the fixed package yourself. This will hopefully speed up the
    integration of Java packages in Debian since most maintainers work
    in "bursts" and are unable to spend time for Debian from time to

I would propose we adopt a model like this, with the exception of the
main php4/php5 packages.

If this sounds good to everyone, perhaps you could grant me membership
in the pkg-php project (my username is currently cfry-guest, though the
DAM should be changing that any day now). I'll start by importing the
modules which I maintain (php-cache-lite, php-pager, and php-simpletest)
and by putting together a basic webpage, similar to the pkg-java page
referenced above.


A guy
Who wants
To middle-aisle it
Must never scratch
His little Violet

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