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IMAP-Folders containing files and notes?


I am looking for a server based document management system, that fulfils
the following features.

I would like to combine EMails, Notes and other Documents (let´s say .PDF
or .DOC) in folder.

As an example (imagine an IMAP-Folder window in your email client...)

Horst Kurt´s Account
+-+-Project One
| |
| + Email One
| + Document_one.doc
| + Note_one
| + Document_two.pdf
+-+-Project Two
+ Email Two
+ Document_three.doc

... and so on.

I suppose, it has something to do with Document Management Systems, but,
up to now, I did not find any, that is capable of asserting the various
items together (basically, something like an IMAP-Server that can keep
files and notes in the mail folders...). 

I need this program to keep together information in my lawyer´s bureau
(like letters I wrote, emails I wrote and received and notes I kept -
sorted by cases). This is the background...

Do you have any knowledge of such a system, that is additionally
- linux based / possibly PHP- or PERL-based
- opensource?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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