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Re: initial templates list

This one time, at band camp, sean finney said:

A couple of comments - sean, first, I think you've done wonderful work.

> Template: webapps-common/webapps_install
> Template: webapps-common/webapps_remove

These seem to me to be the same thing - if they answer "yes, do the work
with debconf", and then remove the app, the remove question gets a yes.
I don't think we need a seperate question.  After all, the app is gone,
and the real config files should not be stored in apache/conf.d anyway,
just the symlinks.  Remove the symlinks if the "manage with debconf"
is a yes, and I think we're OK.

> Template: webapps-common/install_error
> Template: webapps-common/remove_error

These look fine.  I'll let those who have an eye for grammar and the
like (bubulle strikes me as someone to talk to - he has a very good ear
for template language).

> Template: webapps-common/httpd/select_httpd

Fine, although the possibilities could be preselected - ISTR some apps
asking if I wanted to install for apache-perl when it's not installed.
that seems unnecessary.  A simple test for /usr/share/doc/${pkg} before
filling the string should do.

> Template: webapps-common/httpd/install_type

This seems (to me) unnecessary.  I am not sure why the default apache
install goes to single instance, instead of single virtual instance.
After all, every machine serving web pages to other machines has at
least two names, and two ips (FQDN of public IP, and localhost).
Setting the default to virtual host seems much saner to me, but maybe
I'm off base from working with too many virthost providers :)

However, making the apache maintainers make apache default to a single
virtual instance is maybe outside the scope of this discussion.  If they
did, though, it would make life a lot easier - this question would
always be "virtual".

> Template: webapps-common/httpd/virtualhost_new
> Template: webapps-common/httpd/virtualhost
> Template: webapps-common/httpd/virtualhost_more
> Template: webapps-common/httpd/site_directory

Can these possibly be autodetected?  Something like checking for
directories that look like FQDN under /srv/www and parsing httpd.conf?
I realize this is some work (I'm happy to hack on it in the next few
weeks, when I'm on enforced vacation, if you think it's a good idea).
The easiest would probably be looking for any instance of VirtHost
followed by DocumentRoot, and filling things in ahead of time.

Thanks for all the work on this,
|   ,''`.					     Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :					 sgran@debian.org |
|  `. `'			Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-					    http://www.debian.org |

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