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Re: webserver config: which solution is recommended ?

sean wrote:

> as far as the logistics of configuring the webserver goes, if what you
> want done can be done by dropping a symlink in the appropriate
> conf.d directory, that'd be the best way.
> if you want your site to show up under a possibly already existing
> vhost, i'm not sure what the best way to do that is.  istr apache2
> introduced some tools for managing vhosts, but i haven't looked
>  closely in a bit so i might be misremembering.

actually the best solution would be to provide both (vhost or symlink). But
for now I think this is hard to automate.
What i wanted to do was, given an url, being able to determine if it is
hosted on an existing vhost (and then try to configure it) or if a symlink
is enough (and then create it).


> there's something in cvs, but it is neither documented nor is it
> guaranteed to be bug-free :)  i put work on that on hold about a
> month ago and haven't yet been able to get back to it.  if you're
> interested, all i can recommend is looking at the example packages
> or waiting :)

Well, i think i will wait for a more mature package. I'm already trying to
tame dbconfig :-)

[in the meantime...]

> if the symlink approach wouldn't work, i'd say dump the settings into
> a file and tell the admin in README.Debian to do "Include $filename"
> in the appropriate vhost.  if you want to automate the process, i'd
> give them the choice of the default symlink approach (which you
> can do automatically) or the "manual configuration" approach, wherein
> you refer them to the README.Debian.

Thanks for the advices... i think i'll take this approach for now. That
will add a few lines to the debconf template, but i don't think i have the

That will give me a total of 6 debconf screens in the "worst" case... Do you
think it can be accepted or is this too much ?


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