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Re: [PHP] Standard placement of PHP libraries?

hey piotr,

On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 10:04:52AM +0200, Piotr Roszatycki wrote:
> What I want to see is, i.e.:
> /usr/share/php/5.0 : PEAR 1.3.5 : bundled library 
> /usr/share/php : PEAR 1.4.0a12 : package made i.e. with dh-make-pear
> /usr/local/share/php : PEAR 1.4.0b1 : package installed with `pear install'

okay, thanks for the clarification, and this along with the order of
precedences you brought up in a seperate mail sounds really good.  one
nit-pick though: with this proposal $version and $package get mixed up
in the same namespace in /usr/share/php, which might be problematic
later on.   instead, it might be nice to have
/usr/share/php/$version/$package, where version can optionally be all,
or better, stick with the /usr/share/php$version/$package.  or maybe i'm
just being too anal retentive for my own good.

also, does anyone who knows more about pear vs. non-pear php projects
know of any potential conflicts by mixing the two in the same directory?



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