debian-wb-team May 2020 by thread
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Cecylia Lazar
Please give back vim on ppc64el-unicamp-01
Frédéric Bonnard
Re: [ #8293] Please install libapache2-mod-auth-openidc on wuiet and enable the module
Philipp Kern
[p-a-s/sid] Allow fdflush to build on amd64
Aurelien Jarno
Re: [p-a-s/sid] Allow fdflush to build on amd64
Mattia Rizzolo
Re: [p-a-s/sid] Allow fdflush to build on amd64
Philipp Kern
[p-a-s/sid] Drop aboot, mips is not supported in sid anymore
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 1/3] msrtool has been removed from the archive
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 2/3] Drop duplicated entry
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 3/3] Drop purelibc, the package has an explicit Architecture: list
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 2/9] Drop autofs, the package has an explicit Architecture: list
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 1/9] me-tv has been removed from the archive
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 3/9] readahead-fedora has been removed from the archive
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 4/9] inotifyx has been removed from the archive
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 5/9] iscsitarget has been removed from the archive
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 9/9] open-iscsi has an explicit Architecture: list
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 8/9] mdadm has an explicit Architecture: list
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 7/9] libibverbs has been removed from the archive
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid 6/9] klibc has an explicit Architecture: list
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid] uclibc can be built by the arch:all autobuilder
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid] Drop arm, lpia and sparc architectures
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid] Drop s390 architecture
Aurelien Jarno
[p-a-s/sid] Drop aboot, it now has multiple binary packages, some of them being arch:any
Aurelien Jarno
The last update was on 18:40 GMT Sun May 31. There are 23 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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