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list of possible give-backs

(not subscribed; please Cc)


I imported the wanna-build data into UDD, and played a bit with it.

Here is a list of (source, version, architecture) that are 'Installed'
on several arches, but not on i386 or amd64.
I haven't looked at all the reasons for those, but there's several
packages that have been in 'Building' state for a long time.
Since those three arches are fast ones, I'd suggest blindly giving them
back, and hoping for the best. Of course, there's no guarantee that it
will work.

gb ocaml-ogg_0.3.1-1 . i386
gb rephrase_0.1-2 . amd64
gb ocaml-vorbis_0.5.1-1 . i386
gb gl2ps_1.3.4-1 . amd64
gb librcc_0.2.8-3 . amd64
gb abby_0.4.4-1 . amd64
gb pngnq_1.0-1 . amd64
gb workrave_1.9.0-8 . i386
gb gearmand_0.10-2 . amd64
gb psi-plus_0.14~svn1120-1 . amd64
gb openvas-plugins-dfsg_1.0.7-5+svn20090920 . amd64
gb xmail_1.25-4.1 . amd64
gb pose_3.5-9.1 . amd64
gb zodb_1:3.9.1-1 . i386
gb libcomplearn-mod-ppmdx_1.0.7-2 . amd64
gb ocaml-theora_0.1.2-1 . i386
gb kdeadmin_4:4.3.2-1 . amd64
gb ocaml-ladspa_0.1.2-1 . i386
gb libcomplearn-mod-ppmd_1.0.7-2 . amd64
gb xtide_2.10-1 . amd64
gb gdbm_1.8.3-7 . amd64
gb liboggz_1.1.0-1 . amd64
gb xmp_3.0.0+20090923-1 . i386
gb rodbc_1.3-1-1 . amd64
gb herrie_2.1-1 . amd64
gb bombardier_0.8.3 . amd64
gb goldendict_0.9.0+svn384-1 . amd64
gb covered_0.7.6-1 . amd64
gb python-bsddb3_4.8.0-2 . amd64
gb shared-mime-info_0.70-1 . i386
gb ocaml-speex_0.1.2-1 . i386
gb lsb-build-base3_3.2.2~pre1-1.1 . i386
gb pion-net_2.2.2+dfsg-2 . amd64

For the curious, the SQL query used to generated the list is:
select source, version, architecture, state, state_change from wannabuild
where distribution='unstable' and state != 'Installed'
and state != 'Not-For-Us' and architecture in ('i386', 'amd64', 's930')
and state_change < NOW() - INTERVAL '4 DAYS'
and source in (select source from wannabuild
where distribution='unstable' and state != 'Installed'
and state != 'Not-For-Us' and architecture != 'hurd-i386'
group by source having count(*) <= 4)
and source in (select source from wannabuild
where distribution='unstable' and state != 'Not-For-Us'
group by source having count(*) >= 4)
and source in (select source from wannabuild
where distribution='unstable' and state = 'Installed'
group by source having count(*) >= 2);

Note that I'm still waiting on DSA to allow connections from
udd.Debian.org to the wanna-build DB. So the wannabuild table in UDD is
not automatically kept up-to-date yet.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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