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Re: Call for seconds: Delegate to the DPL

On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 09:59:16AM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> As I understand, the EU legislative process is quite advanced now, and
> I doubt we have the time to build "the perfect response". And the
> answer from the EU legislative body will not be to read and consider
> each bullet point we make --- While they are all important mostly *for
> people quoting and making press releases* in the technical community,
> the European legislative bodies will just see "oh, a biggish project
> opposes CRA".

Or maybe "yet another volunteer project does not understand EU language law and
misunderstand the CRA, just ignore". This is what we should avoid.
The EU is more sophisticated than what you seems to imply. They see the
political advantage they can obtain by having a FLOSS policy. Whether this
FLOSS policy is favorable to Debian is a different issue.

> We want to communicate the reasoning as clearly as possible to our
> peers and to journalists. But we want *something* to be issued while
> we are still in the due time for the legislative process.

Let us be honest, the majority of peers and journalists do not understand EU
language law.
Writing for them and writing for the EU are two very different things.
We should not just put out a statement just because others have done so, because
we might inadvertently propagate FUD.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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