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Re: This does not have to be a GR

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 09:05:26AM +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Excuse me to insist with vocabulary, but since you've use the word "law" 6
> times above: the EU isn't a state or a nation, and doesn't make laws. We're
> talking about "directives", that eventually will be implemented as laws in
> each member state. This is a huge difference that make it possible to fight
> the CRA at multiple levels. This also mean that the CRA wording isn't as
> important as the wording of its implementation as a law in each member
> state.
> Also, once the directive is passed, it's still theoretically possible to
> fight its wording in each state. Seen the other way around: it's possible
> that the implementation as a law in each country is worse than then
> directive itself, we must pay attention to it (it's probably even more
> difficult for us this way, as there will be 27 implementations to take care
> of).

All what you say is correct, but note that it was the same for the EUCD for example
and Debian did not issue a statement. 

Debian did not issues statement for similar US laws either, though we
participated to the "web blackout" against SOPA/PIPA but we did not do a GR

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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