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Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@debian.org> writes:

> Simon Josefsson dijo [Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 07:57:36PM +0200]:
>> > I find that if I assume the DSC points are unordered, and numbered only
>> > for reference, then there's sentences in there that support the offering
>> > of official images including firmware by default, even while considering
>> > the iso as a Debian component.
>> Interesting, can you explain quoting the text supporting that?
> Simon, while the topic we are discussing is clearly divisive and close
> to the heart for many of us, we should try to keep the debate as civil
> as possible.
> No, you didn't insult anybody. But there are ways of saying the same
> without raising the confrontational threshold.
> Phil's text reflects on his personal opinions and reading angles ("I
> find that if I assume..."). You could probaby say "I cannot find the
> same meaning you propose, even while reading the items with random
> ordering" or something like that, and it would feel
> less... Aggressive.
> Thanks!

My apologies.  Phil, I didn't mean to offend you, and I'm sorry if you
took it that way.  I'm genuinely interested in your reading of DSC to
support including firmware in official images.  Gunnar, I found your
correction confrontational to me, but I'll abstain from posting for a
couple of days to let things pass.


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