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Re: GR Ballot Option: Allow, but do not require, secret voting

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 9:55 PM Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago@debian.org> wrote:
> Regarding the 'public as an option' ballot: it's not hard to imagine a(nother)
> controversial GR where people voting X>Y would be more likely to make it
> public, while those voting Y>X would be strongly inclined to keep it private --
> therefore creating material for assumptions, which can certainly lead to
> intimidation.

This is true only if we assume people always vote tactically.  If I
had the option to do so, I would have seconded a position to make the
ballot secret for the RMS election, even though I voted the most
moderate option (4) ahead of the others.  Similarly, people can second
options that they would like to see on the ballot, even if they
themselves would vote "none of the above" higher.

I agree that it's /more likely/ for someone who is voting for the
controversial option to want to keep their vote secret, but I believe
that most people involved with the RMS GR /recognized/ it as a
controversial issue that people would have strong feelings about.  I
would hope many of those on all sides of the issue would have been
willing to lean in so that people could express their opinions on such
a divisive topic in a more private way.

Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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