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You + your fellow DDs + tech-ctte

In his platform [0], joerg lists out a few questions about the future of

> How to overcome all the challenges a distribution like ours faces,
> how to adapt to the ever faster changing world?
> How to become more attractive for all the commercial entities that
> are currently chosing to ignore Debian but select a derivative?
> How to become more attractive for developers?
> How to renew our tools to some more modern workflow? A common wish
> being to modernize the BTS (web interface anyone?). Or uploads with a
> git push.
> How to be more diverse? (Look a this years nominees…)
> How to make large-scale changes in Debian simpler?
> How to deal with the "curl | sudo bash" mentality of newer languages
> and their environment? How to, usefully, include those languages?

I would love to hear candidates' thinking on this, but Joerg is quick to
point out that the DPL isn't supposed to find the technical solutions to
those (he somehow reaffirmed this in a previous response in this list)

Do you think tech-ctte should have additional empowerment (via the
Constitution, if needed) to drive the project's technical direction more
proactively, for example by setting direction and priorities for teams
across the Project to address questions like the above?

If so, do you think this conflicts with Constitution §2.1(1)? [1]

I realize it's DDs and not DPLs who can change something like this, but
I find it very important to know how DPLs reconcile their take on these
problems and their non-entitlement to execute on them.


[0] https://www.debian.org/vote/2019/platforms/joerg
[1] https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution#item-2

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