Re: Q to Chris: measuring progress on your goals
> In your platform, you speak against "vague promises" and instead
> propose concrete metrics of success or failure. I think that's
> great.
You are right and correct to point out that my platform does not spell
out or identify specific markers for success.
I was hesitant to include them; whilst it might appear hypocritical to
suggest that such markers are useful and then not list any (!) I think
it would have have been (and remains) premature to try and formulate
them without doing more research and, moreover, consulting the project
at large, at least to some degree. The goals of the DPL should probably,
be somewhat aligned with the project!
(For example, it would be too early to define success/failure for "Debian
outreachy" given that the stakeholders/budget/etc. is unclear and there
are many people who yet to express their valuable thoughts on such a
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` /
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