Re: Q to candidates: reporting frequency
Dear Stefano,
> Dear candidates, what do you think it's the appropriate frequency for
> reporting back to the project about what the DPL is doing?
To give a bit more background to my answer, I believe there are always at
least two audiences or "parts" for any report.
First, there's the obvious audience — ie. the DDs reading it to learn about
what has been happening.
The second part — and the more subtle one — is that the very act of writing
a regular report gives the *author* accountability to themselves and
subconciously ensures momentum is kept up on various longer-term projects.
I feel its worth trading off a little more reporting overhead for this
second factor to kick in — in my experience it results in More Stuff
Getting Done over a given period.
Whilst I can't speak from experience (and would value your input btw), I
can't think why monthly wouldn't be a good cadence to start off with;
predictable, easy to schedule/plan, and easy to spot when one hasn't done
Best wishes,
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` /
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