Re: Question for Chris: organising more meetings?
Hi Steve,
> First of all, thanks for standing!
No, thank you for your kind words. :)
> we've been trying to encourage people to organise more sprints and
> mini-debconfs and other face-to-face meetings over the last few
> years, but I'm worried that we're not getting very much traction.
Organising meetups is not only difficult in itself but moreover can be
quite the thankless task with a lot of hard work that is hidden from
others. This is compounded by the skills required to run meetups, such
as liasing with venues/caterers, etc. are — how can I put this — not
generally part of the repetoire of the typical developer.
To address this, I intend to take a three-pronged approach:
Firstly, I would identify meetups that "fell through" or didn't happen
a second time due to (for example) the lack of a suitable venue. I'd
proactively look into finding alternative solutions for these to help
them get back on track.
Secondly, I would work on ensuring that the various organisation teams
are given the credit they deserve. Whilst nobody is taking their work
for granted, we should be trumpeting their effort far beyond a cursory
applause, a nod and a thanks as we leave on the final day. Conversely,
nobody is organising a meetup simply for the pat on the back at the end,
but I think we could strike a better balance here.
Lastly, I would organise some meetups myself. Hey, that's one way of
ensuring they happen, right? :)
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` /
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