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Re: Technical committee resolution

On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 14:06:07 +1000, Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> said: 

> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 09:12:54AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> Redoing the new blood thing once again is unlikely to have much of an
>> effect, really. I think we need to find some of the root causes of
>> the malaise that affects this institution, and fix that, rather than
>> rampaging around rearranging things randomly like a bull in a china
>> shop.

> What do you believe these "root causes" are?

        I do not presume to be omniscient. But I believe lack of time,
  which is reflected in lack of contribution to the debate on a topic,
  and, even worse, lack of participation in the voting effort, is
  definitely a root cause, and with associated indicators.

> Why do you think that structural to increase both external
> accountability will have no positivie effect?

        I think this is a very poor implementation of an oversight.

        You are restricting the ability of the DPL to only deal with the
 oldest, rather than the worst perdorming, ctte members;  and provide
 little incentive to hit the ground running for new folks.

        Under the original proposal, the DPL can either ratify, or
 replace, _only_ the two oldest members; instead of the ability to
 replace any missing member.  I think that is ill advised. 

> Why do you think that turnover within the committee, and the
> flexibility that brings both in regards to any personality disputes
> there may be, or any ingrained bad practices there may be, will have
> no positive effect?

        Churn is not flexibility. Churn is churn.

> Given introducing new blood has already had positive effect, why do
> you believe it is unlikely more new blood will have any significant
> positive effect?

        Actually, I think removing inactive members has had more
 positive effect than the new blood, really, and the data is not present
 to disambiguate these two theseses,

        So yes, I reject the presentation of the new blood thesis as fact.

> Why do you think having two new members a year appointed by the DPL is
> "rampaging around like a bull in a china shop"?

        Because there is no rhyme or reason on how the people being
 replaced are selected. I don't think tying the DPL's hands by
 providing a "get out of jail card" (or is the new fangled 'Survivor'
 lingo "safety card"?) helps matters any.


These days the necessities of life cost you about three times what they
used to, and half the time they aren't even fit to drink.
Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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