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Re: Proposal: Recall the Project Leader

This one time, at band camp, Denis Barbier said:
> [I am using a webmail from work, sorry for breaking the thread]
> [Loic Minier]
> >  So, did the Debian Project Leader take the decision to fund our RMs,
> >  for example with Debian's money?  Did he take the decision to
> >  officially request funding?     NO.
> >
> >  Instead, he did his best to take off his DPL hat[...]
> This is where our opinions diverge, see for instance
>    http://www.dunc-tank.org/about/board.html
> Now, if you strip your counter-proposal down to
>   The Dunc project is not the result of a decision of the Debian Project
> I will second it and withdraw my proposal.

--------------------BEGIN PROPOSAL---------------------------
The Dunc project is not the result of a decision of the Debian Project
---------------------END PROPOSAL----------------------------

Here's hoping, although I'm not sure what having a GR to state the
obvious is supposed to accomplish.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran@debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |

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