Hi, At the time of writing, a couple of hours into the third (and final) week of the vote, we are still at a low ebb for voter participation, though not by a huge margin. I do note, though, that more people have gone back and re-cast their ballot this year than previously, lending some credence to the theory that this year people are just taking longer to muddle through deciding on their ballot. =================================================================== || |Total # of| |Valid|Unique|Rejects| | Multiple || ||Year|Developers|Quorum|Votes|Voters| |% Voting| of Quorum|| ------------------------------------------------------------------- ||2002| 939 | 45.96| | 342 | | 36.42 | 7.44 || ||2003| 831 | 43.24| | 315 | | 37.90 | 7.28 || ||2004| 908 | 45.20| 351 | 341 | 47 | 37.55 | 7.54 || ||2005| 964 | 46.57| 329 | 311 | 43 | 32.26 | 6.68 || ||2006| 972 | 46.89| 234 | 227 | 25 | 23.35 | 4.84 || =================================================================== manoj Voting period starts 00:00:01 UTC on March 19th, 2006. Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC on April 8th, 2006. This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution. You may see the constitution at http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution. For voting questions contact secretary@debian.org. The details of the candidate platforms can be found at: http://www.debian.org/vote/2006/platforms/ HOW TO VOTE First, read the full text of the platforms and rebuttals.. Do not erase anything between the lines below and do not change the choice names. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue till you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 8. You may skip numbers. You may rank options equally (as long as all choices X you make fall in the range 1<= X <= 8). Make sure you have read the platforms in detail. To vote "no, no matter what" rank "None Of The Above" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "None Of The Above" choice, and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. (Note: if the None Of The Above choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the None Of The Above choice by the voting software). Then mail the ballot to: leader2006@vote.debian.org. Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 52717dc0-26e3-4337-a88b-cc2c260fcb51 [ ] Choice 1: Jeroen van Wolffelaar [ ] Choice 2: Ari Pollak [ ] Choice 3: Steve McIntyre [ ] Choice 4: Anthony Towns [ ] Choice 5: Andreas Schuldei [ ] Choice 6: Jonathan aka Ted Walther [ ] Choice 7: Bill Allombert [ ] Choice 8: None Of The Above - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEP/SzERBADp8wqMGHc8cYdK5LEi7TSYSg6zwvLYzpI+dWklHLm6w475Ufel CLJIC1ergkMySUC4iruHw5n1n7JCXAuiFT2qP3B1E5ZHe7CRHiO0YuAlzDDKszkp GrgSKt0aRvQt94zC8Ql3ajYErJ++I89aGnXWnde/IoXPVVnB9fAKQmgQYwCgg172 srGApAOqw30ZWYAJpFpE8f0EAMd5+LF52i8XDQ/FiWOdXFJmehkZ1VY+P8kSwU6X DUHifzTdP9HRDJc6nDZn1zOPQNlcTWorCeO2g6mehdi4+TCB3y8vSm1gYS4CWu0E dEw3Wji3rvqKbclaV0EjlvTvOSkqK4xeAqG362E5egHXRnEBpIZAExGfpuAQMnhm L/F7A/9F2aAg9BW43jBYow/QLSxnKdPhMX8p1ei25MsHRNtwKObVW9ZDleH6JXZy bBrbW6XaF1PnBskjS2mTxd66nWs59mK5NPkhVnAAbF7OTI1q7Ti34KbjEU6YdzBS UUOvwpHa1ndOpzXfEy90bbyCc/eNoTLXZ6yB7hXRNuT1E38G07Q6RFBMIFZvdGUg MjAwNiAoRXBoZW1lcmFsIEtleSkgPGxlYWRlcjIwMDZAdm90ZS5kZWJpYW4ub3Jn PohmBBMRAgAmBQJD/0sxAhsDBQkAQJmABgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwECHgECF4AA CgkQ1zY4w9lPFI/5CQCfRf+OwzIVjSxCOaiLoPU/jPMs7QgAnimC4qQNzNrDvUhG U1Zcpdy+26fHiEYEEBECAAYFAkP/TCEACgkQIbrau78kQkynTgCeMHf7PNrOFgw2 xuGyjX5/XW6CJGEAoKnXY06zatM6+XvZxKTgzyYXg8tLuQINBEP/S0MQCADCqZGS FeQya8B1FWpgTo0764Z7sQh8YSJfxw27yh92ZCWoEyQCBWoNAOOl9QNM/f4YYGl4 vocMscrwiufsPJ9u7T+e1+WzKlr5wHO05SGqWQzeX+oUryu7p09B4EbaoB5zk5YD /1znw+0CJWatrEvPTUww1s/xwwVgcDfFXjBJ2t7SqsmK6111cShp3emd7gEnI8Jg GAyC0zrK44qsvpzzq9JfS0yH1S54oku/mO2t7tNKGpJikMqFqLNiGW69Kk//nesw 63AeKjGaK4PxhbzCZ1fojI0EMdudjdhMu3vfMbAgpaRrPgdiDTn6sAqpjjWdZiAN PP4vfLLziJg4CX8TAAMGB/9zTIzXpDpv8UzBMEbrfl37OBLmKN0cYSGJrnokrdG3 Hou0c26Ati0m1dNaw715Iu6pXGJlnTNIAsNUOjlCvjAnIz0a1NgSg4XC7d8U3owo UgkHOCmTAz1bhF3srLmMKNjaLpyngTd9mebh10F//j3QbWFHfaUDV3dixt6NCReK 8MnMhstIhpaSo2J4MFqWB0vWnunPtSowPUkp1Uo6urLDxnWdGlpCmCFURxg2kNYQ d9hCZqkgk1sehvsOpZVbpLNIl9VncCssU0jnt+1dmkmI2XbwOOMP+NphJPRrYDt+ ovasXMcM24NhwFXoJA7rUOAvdke6CeDs5PAnZWouPPPCiE8EGBECAA8FAkP/S0MC GwwFCQBAmYAACgkQ1zY4w9lPFI8LsACdE5tfmhUUvRtX9XFT6X4/cogVRmsAn1mN foy1lIn5HlfPtwUUH8ZCqzPO =fHww -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -- If a man has talent and cannot use it, he has failed. Thomas Wolfe Debian Project Secretary <secretary@debian.org> <http://vote.debian.org/> 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B 924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C
Description: PGP signature