Re: Proposal - Deferment of Changes from GR 2004-003
* Steve Langasek ( [040428 03:55]:
> 1. that the amendments to the Social Contract contained within the
> General Resolution "Editorial Amendments To The Social Contract"
> (2004 vote 003) be immediately rescinded;
> 2. that these amendments, which have already been ratified by the Debian
> Project, will be reinstated effective as of September 1, 2004 without
> further cause for deliberation.
I think there is actually one flaw: This would mean that with the
first point release of sarge the GFDL-docs etc have to be removed. So,
it may be good to add another sentence like: The new SC will be valid
for all new releases of Debian, but not for point releases of the
stable release, and archived releases.
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