Debian Project Leader Election 2004 Results
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The winner of the election is Martin Michlmayr.
I would like to thank Branden Robinson and Gergely Nagy for
their service to the project, for standing for the post of project
leader, and for offering the developers a strong and viable group of
Finally, I would like to congratulate Martin Michlmayr, the
Project Leader-elect, for his success.
The results are posted at
The tally sheet is at:
The list of people voting is at:
Total unique votes cast: 482, which is 52.9088% of all possible votes.
Starting results calculation at Sun Apr 11 00:00:13 2004
In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that
option x received over option y.
1 2 3 4
=== === === ===
Option 1 55 29 144
Option 2 385 182 394
Option 3 438 287 442
Option 4 258 70 26
Looking at row 2, column 1, Branden Robinson
received 385 votes over Gergely Nagy
Looking at row 1, column 2, Gergely Nagy
received 55 votes over Branden Robinson.
Option 1 Reached quorum: 144 > 45.2741648183597
Option 2 Reached quorum: 394 > 45.2741648183597
Option 3 Reached quorum: 442 > 45.2741648183597
Dropping Option 1 because of Majority. 0.558 (144/258) <= 1
Option 2 passes Majority. 5.629 (394/70) > 1
Option 3 passes Majority. 17.000 (442/26) > 1
Option 2 defeats Option 1 by ( 385 - 55) = 330 votes.
Option 3 defeats Option 1 by ( 438 - 29) = 409 votes.
Option 4 defeats Option 1 by ( 258 - 144) = 114 votes.
Option 3 defeats Option 2 by ( 287 - 182) = 105 votes.
Option 2 defeats Option 4 by ( 394 - 70) = 324 votes.
Option 3 defeats Option 4 by ( 442 - 26) = 416 votes.
The Schwartz Set contains:
Option 3 "Martin Michlmayr"
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The winners are:
Option 3 "Martin Michlmayr"
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- --
Stay away from hurricanes for a while.
Debian Project Secretary <> <>
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