Re: GR: Alternative editorial changes to the SC
Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2004 at 05:05:57PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
>> This would clarify the main point that has been spawning endless attempts
>> by occasional maintainers to sneak non-free stuff into "main".
> what "endless attempts" would these be? have there been any incidents in
> the real world (i.e. outside of your fevered imagination)?
Oh, let's see, "firmware" in the kernel, GFDL docs, boot sectors, RFCs, and
that's off the top of my head. Mindi/mondo (which contained, among other
things, pico). Those enough "incidents" for you?
> you bigots lost the vote (you didn't even come close) - can't you please
> just
> shut up and go away?
Um, I have nothing against having "non-free", I'm against having non-free
stuff in "main". Hello?!? Not the same thing.
> do you really have to try to continue the
> "discussion", by any desperate means possible?
> craig
Make sure your vote will count.
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