Dear fellow developers, As far as I understand the motivation for the editorial change are twofold: 1) remove some ambiguities on the wording, 2) make the text look nicer from a literary point of vue. However, the SC is a document which has quite an historical and sentimental value for most of us, well, at least for me. So I feel reluctant to change it to remove ambiguities, while I agree on the interpretations that are reinforced. For that reason, I would suggest than instead of altering the text of the Social Contract, we add an Addendum spelling out the clarifications we agreed upon. I don't expect to have the resources to introduce a new proposal for this GR, but I see most of the disagreements on this list being on the precise wording of the changes than on the actual interpretation of the SC, so it could be easier to reach an agreement on the Addendum text. Cheers, -- Bill. <> Imagine a large red swirl here.
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