Results for future handling of the non free section GR
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At this point, with 563 ballots resulting in 491 votes from
482 developers, "Choice 2: Re-affirm support for non-free" has
carried the day. "Choice 1: Cease active support of non-free [3:1
majority needed]" failed to even win simple majority (more people
preferred further discussion than option 1).
The list of voters is available at:
And the tally sheet is available for review at:
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Starting results calculation at Mon Mar 22 00:03:07 2004
In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that
option x received over option y.
1 2 3
=== === ===
Option 1 169 199
Option 2 303 304
Option 3 260 156
Looking at row 2, column 1, Choice 2: Re-affirm support for non-free
received 303 votes over Choice 1: Cease active support of non-free [3:1 majority needed]
Looking at row 1, column 2, Choice 1: Cease active support of non-free [3:1 majority needed]
received 169 votes over Choice 2: Re-affirm support for non-free.
Option 1 Reached quorum: 199 > 45.1995575199581
Option 2 Reached quorum: 304 > 45.1995575199581
Dropping Option 1 because of Majority. 0.765 (199/260) <= 3
Option 2 passes Majority. 1.949 (304/156) > 1
Option 2 defeats Option 1 by 134
Option 3 defeats Option 1 by 61
Option 2 defeats Option 3 by 148
The Schwartz Set contains:
Option 2 "Choice 2: Re-affirm support for non-free"
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The winners are:
Option 2 "Choice 2: Re-affirm support for non-free"
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- --
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