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Re: February 17th Voting GR draft

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 05:38:36PM -0500, Buddha Buck wrote:
> Sam Hartman wrote:
> >Would the two options on the ballot be my GR and a default option of
> >more discussion?
> I think that, under the proposal as made, this is correct.  


> When this has been brought up in the past, I believe that it has been 
> recommended that a reject/status-quo amendment be proposed by someone 
> who wants to reject the GR (and gets it seconded) as a way of getting a 
> "reject" option on the ballot.  

Yes. If there are going to be more people voting to reject the proposal than
accept it, this should not be a difficulty.

It also forces you to be clear on what, exactly, it means to reject
the proposal. For example, we might have a vote at some point along
the lines of "The developers resolve to allow modifications to the
social contract with a 2:1 supermajority". If that vote doesn't pass,
it'll remain unclear what we can do to modify the social contract -- is
a simple majority vote enough, or can it not be changed at all? People
are quite happy to argue each way. Which is to say a "No." option has
no meaning, but specific counter proposals are entirely reasonable.

In Usenet votes there is (or was, last I looked) a cabal that votes
No on every ballot to ensure that there really is enough support for
a new group to warrant its creation. If you want, you can always start
up a little cabal that works out what form a "rejection" should take,
and propose and second it. I don't think that's something that can be
properly done mechanically or by the secretary, though. IMHO, etc.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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