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Re: Don't allow ranking of options equal to default?

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 06:31:22PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> Here's a generalized example:
> * Q-1 (or fewer) of the voters vote C as the only acceptable option:
>   C = 1
>   D = 2 <default>
>   A = 3
>   B = 3
> * Slightly less than one-half of the remaining voters vote like you.
> * Slightly more than one-half of the remaining voters vote:
>   A = 4;
>   B = 1;
>   C = 2;
>   D = 2; <default>
> * (There are no other vote patterns)
> (For those interested in the details, the "slightly"s above require that 
> the margin of victory of B over A is smaller than the number of pro-C 
> voters, so a margin of less than Q-1.)
> Without quorum, C wins.  (There is a majority preferring it to each 
> other option; a different majority in each case, admittedly.)
> With quorum, C is thrown out and B wins.

> If this is generally considered desirable, under your interpretation of 
> ranking something equal to the default (and it may well be), then there 
> is no problem at all with your proposal.


Did you forget about the majority requirement?  Unless the camp voting
for B represents a majority of the voters, the vote defaults.

[I think some of this discussion has confused the quorum requirements
and the majority requirement.]



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