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Debian Project Leader Election 2002 Results


	[There was a MIME issue with the last announcement. Here is a retry]

        The winner of the election is Bdale Garbee.  I would like to
 thank Branden Robinson and Raphael Hertzog for their service to the
 project, for standing for the post of project leader, and for
 offering the developers a strong and viable group of candidates.=20

        Finally, I would like to congratulate Bdale Garbee, the
 Project Leader-elect, for his success.

        The results were the same from both set of algorithms. The
 details are presented below. As stated earlier, people can verify
 details by looking at:
  a) list of people voting:=20
  b) Final tallly sheet
        You may also run this tally sheet through the condoret.pl and
 cloneproof_ssd.pl scripts posted earlier. Eventually, these pages
 shall find a final home under http://vote.debian.org/.

                   Winner is: Bdale Garbee

Pairwise elections won-lost-tied:
Branden Robinson  2-1-0 (votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 291)
Raphael Hertzog   1-2-0 (votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 327)
Bdale Garbee      3-0-0 (votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 178)
None Of The Above 0-3-0 (votes against in worst defeat/closest victory: 443)

                         The raw tally table

In this table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that=20
candidate x received over candidate y.=20

        |   |   1       2       3       4       |
        | 1 |           255     178     385     |
        | 2 |   199             134     406     |
        | 3 |   291     327             443     |
        | 4 |   68      50      18              |

Looking at row 2, column 1, Candidate 2 (Raphael Hertzog)=20
recieved 199 votes over Candidate 1 (Branden Robinson)

Looking at row 1, column 2, Candidate 1 (Branden Robinson)
recieved 255votes over Candidate 2 (Raphael Hertzog).


Defeats at beginning of phase 1:
    1 beats 2: 255 199  =3D 56
    1 beats 4: 385 68   =3D 317
    2 beats 4: 406 50   =3D 356
    3 beats 1: 291 178  =3D 113
    3 beats 2: 327 134  =3D 193
    3 beats 4: 443 18   =3D 425

Schwartz set: Bdale Garbee

No defeats left in Schwartz set!



Attachment: condorcet.pl
Description: condorcet.pl

Attachment: cloneproof_ssd.pl
Description: cloneproof_ssd.pl

 "The important thing is never to stop questioning." Albert Einstein
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Attachment: pgpeuD_d716Cg.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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