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Re: Vote verification --- a futile exercise?

>>"Anthony" == Anthony DeRobertis <asd@suespammers.org> writes:
 >> 	7) No one can determine how another person voted
 >> This is obviously not adhered to -- the secretary and DSA receive
 >> all the votes as signed plaintext.

 Anthony> No one other than the secretary, then.

	Any one in the group debvote, or any one with super user
 privileges, has access to the raw votes, at this point. 

>> You might think that (4) would be detected when the list was
>> released, but it won't because there is no one to _deny_ that
>> vote.
 >> Sure there is. Send a signed mail that says "I didn't vote."

 Anthony> Who shall do that? Every member of Debian who did not vote?
 Anthony> The verification procedure goes something like this, for
 Anthony> each developer: Check list. Is my vote (identified by a
 Anthony> shared cookie) on it? Is so, is it recorded correctly?
 Anthony> Lastly, do I get the same results as the secretary when I
 Anthony> tally the votes?

	Next, look at the other uid's  presented on the list. Check
 debian ldap to make sure that these are real developers. 

 Anthony> The cookies that the secretary made up happen to belong to
 Anthony> no developer. But I don't (and can't) know that.
 Anthony> Non-existent developers don't send signed messages stating they did
 Anthony> not vote. However, with the help of the secretary, they do vote :-(

	That can't happen, since people are going to check the list.

 Anthony> Unless I've missed something, none of the proposed checks on the vote
 Anthony> counter prevent him from casting votes from Mickey Mouse, George
 Anthony> W. Bush, and Elvis Presly.

	That'll show up on the list of voters published.

 A certain old cat had made his home in the alley behind Gabe's bar
 for some time, subsisting on scraps and occasional handouts from the
 bartender.  One evening, emboldened by hunger, the feline attempted
 to follow Gabe through the back door.  Regrettably, only the his body
 had made it through when the door slammed shut, severing the cat's
 tail at its base.  This proved too much for the old creature, who
 looked sadly at Gabe and expired on the spot. Gabe put the carcass
 back out in the alley and went back to business. The mandatory
 closing time arrived and Gabe was in the process of locking up after
 the last customers had gone.  Approaching the back door he was
 startled to see an apparition of the old cat mournfully holding its
 severed tail out, silently pleading for Gabe to put the tail back on
 its corpse so that it could go on to the kitty afterworld
 complete. Gabe shook his head sadly and said to the ghost, "I can't.
 You know the law -- no retailing spirits after 2:00 AM."
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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