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The Debian vote taking machinery (Very Long)

Hi folks,

	In order to conduct the upcoming DPL vote, I have been looking
 at the voting machinery used by Debian. There are a number of things
 that concern me about this.

	In the current method, an incoming vote is fed to a script
 that, on the fly, checks the signature on the message, queries the
 LDAP for canonical information, generates a response, extracts the
 vote information, and writes it out to a plain text database. 

	Until the last vote, there was no locking, so two simultaneous
 votes could have fried all the data.  Raul put in nominal locking to
 serialize access, but even now, a glitch while you are trying to
 write out the database with appended information from the new
 message, all data is lost again. There does not seem to be an easy
 way to replay any of this, even of the original messages were kept.

	Also, the same lib generates the vote result. After last years
 vote, raul expressed some of the same concerns I am mentioning here.

	This is way too daring for me.

	I have, then decided to overhaul the voting machinery. The
 emphasis here is data integrity. Votes should *NEVER EVER* be lost by
 the system. The mechanism should be modular, and one should be able
 to test, and refactor, each module independently. The process should
 be reproducible, and idempotent, so that one has some assurance of
 the integrity of the process.

	Intermediate results should be saved (adds to replayability),
 and should be examinable by common tools (I am thinking of
 implementing thte first pass in a manner that the intermediate steps
 can be inspected using ls, cat, and vi).

	I have also decided to go back to the UNIX philosophy of
 having independent tools that do one thing well. (kinda goes along
 with modularity, independence, etc).

	I have broken down the voting process into 7 steps, each of
 which shall be implemented by independent pieces of code. 

	I have 1 and 1a mostly done, I just need to test them. I think
 I have ample time to implement all this ;-). The current
 implementations are using the file system as a simplistic database;
 later implementation may change the back end for information storage.

 Stage 1: spool vote mail. 

     This stage is responsible for storing each incoming mail into a
     separate file. A script run from .forward (as has traditionally
     been the case) could spool the file into a spool directory
     (flocking the sequence file as needed). The resulting files shall
     be marked read only. (The file names should be chosen so that
     they sort correctly)

      1a: Periodically, a script shall be run from cron that copies
          files from the spool directory to the working dir. This
          script needs to carefully lock files and cooperate with the
          spooler script not to tread on its toes. If the destination
          file already exists, one need not recopy unless the force
          option is on. This script is thus idempotent. 
 Stage 2: Validate signature
	This is also run from cron, after the copy script from 1a is
	done. For each new file in the work dir, it shall check the
	signature against keyrings specified on the command line. It
	shall mark failure/success (initial implementation: It works
	touching a file in a gpg subdir with the same name as the file
	in the working dir. If the file already exists in the gpg
	subdir, one need not check the sig unless the force option is
	on) This script is thus idempotent.

 Stage 3: Query LDAP

	Also run from cron.  For each file in the gpg dir which
	succeeded, query ldap using information from the corresponding
	file in the work subdir. Store results in a file in the ldap
	subdir (if the file already exists in ldap subdir, no query
	need be made, unless the force option is set). Mark the
	results as valid or invalid. This script is idempotent.
 Stage 4: generate response.

	Also run from cron.  For each file in the ldap subdir, if the
	data was valid, parse the vote, and cxreate an ack (from
	templates). If the ldap data was invalid, create a error
	message. Store either in the ack subdir. (If the ack subdir
	already has a file, we can skip that unless the force option
	is given). This script is thus idempotent.
 Stage 5: Send acks

	Also run from cron.  For each file in the ack subdir, send
	mail, and touch a file in the sent subdir. If the file already
	existed, do not send mail unless the force option is on. This
	script is thus idempotent. 
 Stage 6: Create input file for vote method

	Run manually at the end of the vote (could also be run by
	cron, I guess). For each valid ldap info file, read the data
	present in the working dir, and generate the single line
	needed by the vote method. Store by ldap uid. At the end,
	write out the file -- so the last vote cast by any person is
	the one counted. The raw file may or may not have uids, nad
	should be published (without uids for secrecy, but look at 6a
        6a: Optional: Do the same as above, except that each uid is
            replaced by a random string. send email containing the
            file to each person voting, and saying your vote is
            indicated by the line containing random string "alwyhe" --
            ensuring secrecy, but also ensuring accountability.
Stage 7: Run the Condorcet method program.

	I am planning on starting a debvote2 package, and creating
 this scripts. Let me see what I can do to get space on cvs.debian.org
 for debvote2.

 Truth will out this morning.  (Which may really mess things up.)
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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