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DPL Voting procedures

In order to put some more structure in the DPL vote 

I originally asked Darren Benham to start the procedure on
January 3, but nothing happened. After Jason Gunthorpe
wondered on January 23 if the DPL should start, the
nomination period started on January 24 with Ben Collins
mailing his nomination. This gives us the following dates:

DPL nomination period: Jan 24 to Feb 13
campaigning period: Feb 14 to March 6
voting period: March 7 to March 28

Which means that the new DPL will be known on March 28. As said before,
I've asked Raul Miller to organize the vote.


 / Generally uninteresting signature - ignore at your convenience  \
| wichert@cistron.nl                  http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/ |
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

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